Trust in Me
the other a fallen angel. But it turned out they worked together, fought together. I was just a pawn on the board.
    “Know a guy named Zachary?” I asked.
    He stiffened. “Why?”
    “He’s my contact,” I whispered, giving myself away, trusting him once again.
    His eyes narrowed. I could see when he got it, when he understood that I was with the FBI as well. “I knew Zachary had an informant, but…” He trailed off, looking almost disappointed. Well, I could guess why. He couldn’t get rid of me as long as I was an informant, as long as I supplied him and Zachary with information.
    “What was all that shit about buying me then?” I demanded.
    He looked away and then back at me, guiltily. “I was just trying to get him out of the room.”
    It seemed like a stretch. He wanted to see the phone, so he goaded Carlos into dragging me off to his cave like a Neanderthal. Well, I was used to getting played. The disappointment stabbed a little deeper than I expected. As much as his offer to buy me from Carlos had made him a dick, I’d liked the interest he’d taken in me. It felt good to be wanted. Now I knew I was just a feint, a slight of hand.
    Look over there, fuck that girl, while I take what I need.
    Well, I told myself, be grateful that he’s really a good guy. It had eaten me up to think I’d been wrong about him. Or that the world had so hardened him that he’d turned criminal. But his halo was safely shiny, blinding beside the worn-down horns of a whore.
    He put his hand on mine, grounding me. “Can I trust you?”
    Could he trust me? Yes, to the ends of the earth. I would die for him. That part wasn’t a huge sacrifice, considering, but more than that, I would kill for him. Anything he wanted, though it was probably for the best that he didn’t know that.
    “Yes,” I said.
    “Good,” he said, though the air around us stank with doubt and suspicion. “We can meet up later. Just lay low.”
    He pulled his hand back as Carlos came into the room, walking away like he didn’t know me, like he didn’t care.

    Chapter Four
    The air in the shadowed corridor vibrated with a presence just before Leo grabbed me and slammed me against a wall in an alcove. My body was a fluid thing, accustomed to moving with the flow, bending but not breaking. I took the hit without a sound.
    “What’s with the new guy?” he growled.
    Leo would see Tyler as competition. Hell, he was Leo’s competition.
    Where I was Carlos’s cock-sucking whore, Leo was his right-hand man. I’d heard they were distant cousins or something, which was a big plus for a guy like Carlos. I was shocked he’d brought in someone on the outside for something so important. He must be nervous. Or maybe Leo was on the outs, but if that were the case, he shouldn’t even be breathing.
    “I don’t know. It’s some big deal they have going down.”
    Leo shook me, banging my head against the wall. It was a testament to how upset he was, because he usually tried not to hurt me, except for the times Carlos wanted him to hurt me.
    “Stop dicking around,” he said. “You know about the girls. And you know that’s what Martinez is here for. I want to know what happened last night.”
    “What do you think happened? I was supposed to ‘entertain’ the new guy. You think they consult with me on business matters?”
    “You have ears.”
    I sighed. “Look, I want the new guy gone as much as you. But I don’t have a say either.”
    “Did he hurt you?” Leo looked down at my body, as if he could see my injuries through my clothes. It wasn’t like when Tyler had asked me that, though, with a mix of horror and hesitation. Leo was downright curious.
    He had a sadistic nature just like Carlos. The difference was that he also had a conscience. So he tried to hide his sadism, to repress it, and maybe even would have been successful if he hadn’t hooked up with a guy like Carlos. Carlos made use of Leo’s propensity for giving pain, whether

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