Through the Eyes of a Male Submissive
very much. No giving me your self-pity shit or I will be on the next flight out of here just to come spank you. 
    Oh, and now we are getting physical. I never figured you would be into the whole Dominant-submissive thing…
    My eyes widened once I read her last message. Of course, I was not Dominant material— anymore— and she beyond doubt was not the submissive type. Before I responded, another message popped through.
    How dare you try turning me on when we are so many miles apart! Oh, by the way, your driver does not do too great of a job keeping himself hidden from view. I appreciate your wanting me safe, but next time, please warn a girl so she doesn’t assume she is going to end up on this ID channel that you spoke of!
    I couldn’t help but chuckle at the sight of her words. Oh, how much I wanted to make this woman mine. However, she was right. I should not be turning her on seeing as we had quite a bit of distance between us.
    As much as I hate to, I need to prepare for my trial that will take place within the next week or two. It is difficult for me to work when I am being distracted. ;)
    I put my phone on silent and stowed it away before I got caught in her reply.
    Charlie held the door open for me again once we arrived home. Climbing out of the car, I strolled in through the front door. Even though she had never been here, the place was empty without the company of Via.
    I took the briefcase Charlie held out for me and raced to my office. Opening the door and flicking on the lights, I strolled over to my desk. I plopped on my chair, spinning around a couple of times—something I have done ever since I could remember. As I pulled my laptop out of its case and opened it, a piece of paper folded in half was laying on the keyboard. I picked it up and opened it, curious as to what it may be. A grin began to stretch across my cheeks as I read.
    My Dearest Ryan,
    By the time you read this, I will be in my toasty-warm bed back in Aspen. Thinking about you, of course!
    I am fully aware of the fact that I have thanked you a million times for taking me out, but I had the need to express it in a letter.
    I am not much of a writer, so bear with me here!
    Oh, gracious kind sir! I would like to thank thee for escorting this fair woman to a banquet even though she got a wee-bit tipsy… (Ha! Ha! I tried to warn you I am no good with the letter-writing thing.)
    Alright! You caught me… I didn’t write this just to send you this lame thank you.
    I did this because I am watching you sleep and can’t keep a smile off my face. You just look so peaceful when you sleep—not like your crabby, lawyer-self!
    I am not sure when we will be with each other again, but I can’t wait until we are! You fascinate me, Mister Rayner, which is something that hardly ever happens to me. You should feel honored!
    Oh! Before I forget, I have a surprise for you! I’m not going to ruin it by telling you either. You will be receiving it in 4,3,2,1…
    Once my eyes skimmed over the last number, a light tapping on my door pulled my eyes away from the letter.
    It couldn’t be her, could it?
    Charlie opened the door.
    He held a weird expression on his face. “A Mister Mike Hunt is here to see you, sir.”
    Mike Hunt? I was not familiar with anybody by the name of Mike Hunt. He must have known me, or Charlie would have never let him inside. I looked over the railing to witness a bodybuilding man standing in a white sailor suit carrying a large, leather bag.
    I didn’t remember setting up any appointments to meet with a captain. The strange man opened his bag, pulling out a medium-sized boom box.
    He peered up at me with a huge grin on his face. “Somebody told me that you needed a few lessons in hoisting the sail.”
    “I beg your pardon?” I blinked a million times, trying to understand what he was saying.
    Instead of answering me, he turned on his stereo. As Baby Got Back by Sir-Mix-A-Lot blared through the speakers, he

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