Through the Eyes of a Male Submissive
began dancing around the room.
    I looked over at Charlie in confusion and he stared at me, attempting to contain his laughter. I turned back to the man in the suit, who now stood wearing nothing but pants.
    My eyes widened once my brain had processed what he was doing. I glared at Charlie, who was still trying not to burst. “There is no way she would have done this, right?”
    Charlie shrugged. “Honestly sir, I have no idea who hired this man—and who is she ?”
    My attention focused back on the captain himself right as he was about to unzip his fly. My hands went up, pleading with him to stop. “ Whoa! That’s enough.”
    He immediately stopped and stared up at me. “Is something wrong, sir?”
    A line in between my eyebrows formed.
    Oh no, I’m used to having male strippers dancing for me in the middle of my living room floor!
    “I hate to tell you this, but I believe you are on the wrong floor, Mister Mike Hunt.” Repeating his name in my head, now I got the reference.
    “With all due respect sir, I have been given the right address. You are Mister Ryan Rayner, correct?”
    Damn! Who on Earth would send him here? Without a doubt Via would not do anything like this. How could she manage to pull it off being so far away?
    I made my way down the stairs. “Who hired you?”
    He pulled out a couple of papers from his bag and read them off. “It was a phone-in order from Ms. Olivia Johnson.” He looked back at me. “Do you know a woman by that name, sir?”
    A grin appeared on my face as I nodded. “Yes. Of course. Olivia is quite the prankster. I am sorry for the inconvenience.” I flipped a hundred dollar bill at him. “I apologize for wasting your evening.”
    He took the money, put everything back into his bag including his shirt, and walked out.
    I heard Charlie lightly snickering at the top of the stairs. I squinted at him. “Not a single word at all.”
    Digging my phone out of my pocket, I dialed her number.
    * * * *
    “Oh captain, my captain!” she answered through her laughter over the phone. It took a couple of seconds for her to contain herself. “How was your sailing lesson?” She cracked up again, hardly able to catch her breath.
    I patiently waited for her to calm down so she would be able to hear me. “You just think you are so cute and clever, don’t you?”
    “Most definitely. The best part is, you weren’t even expecting it!” She started rolling again.
    Sitting on the chair in my office, I waited for her to calm herself. “Miss Olivia Johnson, I have half a mind to fly there myself and spank you until your ass bruises!”
    That got her to hush. Well, long enough to speak, that was. “I would love to apologize, Ryan, but the truth is I’m not sorry!” She began to crack up again.
    “Paybacks are hell!” I told her as I rested back in the chair with a smirk.
    I could imagine her grinning over the phone. “In that case, I will be waiting. Always remember my dearest, anything you can do, I can do better. Anyway, how was your evening before Mike Hunt arrived?”
    “I found your letter. Tell me something, how did you manage to time it?” I asked while twirling the folded up letter between my fingers.
    I could sense her smile growing wider. “Oh, Mister Rayner, you should know by now I have my ways of doing things. I would say that I wish I were there, but seeing as you want to smack my ass, I think I will take a rain check.”
    I shook my head even though she could not see me. “Via, I wouldn’t dare touch you unless you asked me too. Think of it as a gentlemen’s rule.”
    “I’m going to be honest with you, the whole you wanting to spank me seems a little frightening.”
    “Would you mind if I asked why?” I was curious. She had me captivated now.
    She took a deep breath in and released it. “Like tonight, for instance, I do something hilarious and you want to tan my hide! How can punishing someone like a child be considered anything else except demeaning?”

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