Through the Eyes of a Male Submissive
couldn’t help but smile by the simple thought of smacking her ass until it turned a bright shade of pink, something I had not thought about doing to a woman in five years.
    My teeth clenched my lip. “Oh, Via, I would love to assist you in answering that question of yours.”
    “As delighted I am to test this theory, I need to sleep. I will call you first thing in the morning, Ryan.” With that, she hung up the phone.
    Instantly I was alone again. My heart sank once I could no longer hear her.
    I had never once ached over someone in my thirty years.
    Before I could stand up to prepare myself for bed, my cell phone rang. I grinned as I answered, “I thought you were going to bed, Miss Johnson?”
    She exhaled on the phone. “I had to tell you something. Somebody once told me to always let people know how you feel because one day, it may be too late.” She took a deep breath and released it. “I think I am in love with you.”
    I opened my mouth to express my feelings for her, but the line cut. Did she actually just hang up on me? Staring at my phone, I waited until her name flashed over the screen again.
    “You tell me that you love me and then you hang up on me?”
    “I’m sorry. I wasn’t ready to hear your response. I panicked.”
    Instead of speaking right away, I let the awkward silence linger just to spite her. Her breathing grew harder, and I would put money on it that she was biting her sexy ass lip. She was growing anxious, which was making me a bit horny. “I don’t think I am in love with you. I already know.”
    My heart slammed against my chest, surprised by the words I had just spoken. Do I love this woman? Do I want to spend the rest of my life with her? Damn straight!
    “What makes you so sure?”
    Does she seriously want me to explain how she makes me feel over the phone? That’s not going to happen!
    “Go to bed, Olivia. We will talk about this when I see you again. I have a trial in two days I must prepare myself for so I am not clueless in court. You are a huge distraction. Now, get well rested because you will need it before you see me again.” With that, I hung up the phone.
    As much as I wanted to, I refrained from answering when she called again. Instead, I shut everything down in my office and went straight to my bedroom. As my head hit my pillow, my phone buzzed, this time with a text message. I smiled once I read her message.
    Since you have decided to ignore me now, I will play this little game of yours. I am going to bed. Not because you told me to, but due to the fact I have a long day ahead of me tomorrow. So much so, I may be too busy to answer any of your messages or calls. Consider this your warning!
    I had to admit, it was a bit of a turn-on when she got a little bothered. It was much more amusing in person, but the text message would do for now. It would be enough to allow me to picture her wide blue eyes that changed to a shade of green when she was angry, or how the color of her cheeks would transform into a bright shade of pink. Rolling over, I tried to block out my perverted thoughts. I lay there, trying my damnedest to think of what I needed to complete for my case.
    I was meeting with my client tomorrow afternoon to go over a few questions they might ask her in court. The questions would zero in on my client’s relationship with the heartless son of a bitch. When she met him, how long had she known him? Did he show any signs of odd behavior —that sort of thing. I had spoken with this woman over the phone. The run-through of the trial would be our first physical meeting, which was what she had requested, of course.
    Normally, I did not take on clients unless we met in my office. A phone call was too impersonal and distant. I found my job easier once I got the eye-to-eye contact. I was a hard-ass in the court room, but with my clients, I preferred to be laid back enough so they were comfortable.
    * * * *
    My lips mumbled the lyrics of Baby Got Back before my

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