The Two Kings (Afterlife Saga)

Read The Two Kings (Afterlife Saga) for Free Online

Book: Read The Two Kings (Afterlife Saga) for Free Online
Authors: Stephanie Hudson
this subject. My mum wasn't old fashioned as such be she still thinks that the girl has to be wined and dined by a gentleman before a girl gives up the goods! Well my goods had already been bought, purchased and spent, many times over and boy was Draven one hell of a buyer. He was a pro! But I wasn't about to disclose t hat bit of information to my mother .
    “Oh he's fine, asleep on the couch as usual, I don't know why he bothers watching telly if it's just going to send him off to sleep.” I could faintly hear some world war documentary in the background and it made me chuckle.
    “Libby is back off their trip soon, isn't she?”
    “ Yeah , Sunday I think . ”
    “I hope you haven't been scared all alone in that house by yourself, you know you can ring me or you know we have Skype now . ” Oh great more lying.
    “I ain't been scared, there's nowt to be scared of . ” I said and before I had thought about it, my Northern Twang had shown it s elf in full force.
    “Keira use proper English dear . ” She scolded. This had always frustrated my mother but considering she had married a Scouser (Someone from Liverpool) I was always surprised when she pulled us up on it. The sweetest thing about this was when Draven heard me sort of being told off by my mum he came over and kissed the top of my head lightly. He mouthed the words “I like it” and I couldn’t help but smile.
    “Libby also tells me that you have been painting again, I must say if this is down to this new guy you ’ r e now dating, I like him already . ” I could almost hear Draven smiling behind me as his arms wrapped around me.
    “Yeah I decided to take advantage of the amazing views around here, I'll send you one soon. Anyway mum I'm going to have to go but...”
    “Oh well there was one other thing I wanted to tell you before you go” This wa s what I had been waiting for. I knew my mum well enough to know the hidden meaning behind the things she did and this time I knew that she had been stalling.
    “What is it mum?”
    “Well don't go off the handle but someone's coming to visit you , ” s he s aid trying to sound upbeat, as if that would help! I suddenly went cold, knowing there was only one per son who my mum would know I wo uldn't be happy about seeing .
    “Oh N o, no way mum, not going to happen , not now not ever !” I said in a stern voice that shocked Draven enough to drop his arms and face me. I was frowning so hard my cheeks ached.
    “Catherine Keira Williams, I didn't bring you up to have that attitude and family is important, you surprise me ! ” Ah , so now it was time for the guilt trip....parents!
    “Mum please, I am just getting settled here and this is the last thing I need right now . ” Ok so I know it was a cheap shot, going straight in for the guilt thing but trust me...when needs must!
    “Keira there would never be a right time for you to see your cousin in your book . ” Damn straight I hated the bitch and a frozen Hell wouldn’t even cut it!
    “Does Libby know about this?”
    “Not yet but she won't say no, anyway it's only for a week or two . ” I thought I was going to choke on my own tongue.
    “Anyway I will let you know the details love, talk to you soon, bye bye, kiss kiss . ” And with that my mother put the phone down before I had chance to have the tantrum that I was very close to having.
    “ Arrrgggg .... SHIT!” I screamed out before I could contain it any longer and man did Draven looked more stunned than ever.
    “Sorry about that but to say that I am pissed off right now would be a huge understatement!” I let my arms fly over my head like a drama queen . I had never been one for over acting but when it came to my cousin Hil ary , no amount of over acting would ever be enough! She could give Margaret Thatcher a run for her money.
    “I take it , you don't like this person ? ” He was trying very hard to hide a grin and for a change he looked a bit worried about my reaction if he were to

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