The Truth

Read The Truth for Free Online Page B

Book: Read The Truth for Free Online
Authors: Karin Tabke
Tags: Fiction, Erótica, Romance, Contemporary
your case.”
    Katy smiled and extended her hand. “You had me at ‘I’d sell my mother.’”
    Veronica took her hand in a firm handshake. “I always buy her back, usually for much more than I sold her for.”
    “A shark with a heart, Ms. Fuentes?”
    “An oxymoron, for sure. And please, call me Veronica.”
    “Only if you call me Katrina.”
    “Okay, Katrina, let’s see what we have here.”
    Katy withdrew her files and slid them across the table to her attorney. “Everything you ever wanted to know about BioGen and Genomtec but were afraid to ask.”
    “Excellent. Now, with your permission, I’d like to record this meeting. Normally, James is present to record what is said, but Simon explained that we’ll be talking about sensitive matters, leading me to believe you’ll be more comfortable if James is not present. I require a recording so that you have my undivided attention as we discuss your case and I have a point of reference to fall back on.”
    Katy hesitated, knowing what full disclosure meant. It was one thing to say it, another for Veronica to make notes, but it was a whole different animal knowing it was recorded.
    “For my ears only, Katrina,” Veronica said.
    “Okay,” Katy reluctantly agreed.
    “Now, start from the beginning and tell me
up to this very second.”

    Over the next two hours, what had begun in a pragmatic businesslike tone slowly unraveled into an emotional purge. In effect, Katy spilled her guts.
    Veronica downloaded the data from Simon’s flash drive, giving the original back to Katy. She would take a look when she could give it her full concentration. It wasn’t until they were wrapping up and she caught the predatory glitter in Veronica’s deep brown eyes that Katy began to believe that perhaps her accusers just might get what was coming to them.
    “Do you think I have a case?” Katy asked.
    “I don’t like to give my clients any false hope, Dr. Winslow—Katrina—but I think, if we can document your claim and prove everything you’ve told me here this morning, we have one hell of a case. That means we should be able to do some serious financial damage to both companies as well as restore your good name.”
    Exhaling loudly, Katy finally relaxed her tight muscles and sank back into her chair. “Thank God.”
    Veronica pressed a button on her phone. The office door opened immediately and James entered the room. “Yes, ma’am?”
    “Please bring me Dr. Winslow’s paperwork.”
    “Yes, ma’am.” As he turned to leave, Simon strode past him into the office.
    From the stern look on his face, Katy knew he was irritated.
    “What?” Veronica asked him.
    “There’s been a warrant issued for Kat’s arrest.”
    Katy nearly fainted.
    “Who issued it and what’s the charge?” Veronica asked, not seeming too concerned. Katy was devastated.
    Simon cocked a brow at Veronica. “DOJ. A slew of conspiracy charges. I confirmed it through my agency.”
    He stood glowering at them both. Katy had a sinking feeling there was more.
    “What else?” Veronica asked as Katy felt her life slipping out of her control.
    “You know I can’t tell you anything more …” he inclined his head as if saying, “Think about what more there could be and run with it.”
    Veronica nodded and pointed to the door. “Give us a moment, Simon,” Veronica said. But he was already on his way out.
    “What’s going on?” Katy demanded, trying valiantly to maintain control of her emotions.
    Very calmly, Veronica explained. “I’m going to guess, based on everything you’ve told me this morning, your friends at Genomtec are trying to cover their asses by burning yours first. They’ve managed to convince an AUA, assistant US attorney, to file bogus charges. Now, if they haven’t already, they’re going to issue a warrant to search your house and workplace for your computers and phones—hell, all of your electronic devices that have a digital footprint. They may be

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