The Truth

Read The Truth for Free Online

Book: Read The Truth for Free Online
Authors: Karin Tabke
Tags: Fiction, Erótica, Romance, Contemporary
most beautiful women she had ever seen smiled warmly at her. Classic Latina bombshell. The attorney could pass for a younger Raquel Welch. Holy hell, Katy had never had a lesbian thought in her life, but if she were ever going to switch-hit, it would be with this woman.
    “I’m Veronica. Simon told me you were beautiful, but he didn’t say how beautiful.”
    “I—he—um, thank you.”
    While she appreciated Simon’s compliment, Katy felt like a common daisy standing beside this exotic hothouse orchid.
    Veronica extended her hand, and Katy blurted, “He said you were the nastiest shark in the shark-tank.”
    Veronica smiled, showing beautiful white teeth. “He should know!”
    As Veronica guided her to a large comfortable chair at a polished mahogany table, she said to James, “Please bring us a fresh pot of that doughnut coffee I like, and those bad creamers, too.”
    “Yes, ma’am.”
    Katy set her portfolio on the table as she watched Veronica glide like a queen into a chair across from her. She opened a rather large file folder on the table and said, “I’ve pulled everything that is public and some things that are not so public,”—she smiled like the shark she was—“but still legally obtained, on BioGen and Genomtec. Please join me for a cup of coffee while we get started with your case.”
    “Okay,” Katy said slowly, still a little dumbfounded by the beauty, confidence, and charisma of the woman sitting across from her. Instinctively, Kat knew there was no way Simon or any man could resist this temptress. So why wasn’t Simon with her? There was history here, and it bugged her more than it should have. How could she or any woman compete with the epitome of all things sexy?
    Moments later, James arrived with a tray of finger-sized pastries, a silver pot of aromatic coffee, china cups and saucers, and several crystal creamers that he told her contained everything from skim milk to heavy cream.
    As he poured a cup for Katy and handed it to her, he glanced at Veronica, who was going through the file folder. “Will there be anything else, ma’am?” He moved around and poured for his boss, then stood at the ready for her next command.
    “That will be all for now.”
    As James reached for the door to exit the office, it swung open from the outside, and, looking better than any man should look, in strode Simon. Katy scowled, set her cup down on the tray, and hoped no one noticed her hand shaking.
    Uncertain, James didn’t move. Simon grinned, obviously enjoying himself. “Good morning, ladies. Sorry to keep you waiting, but crime waits for no one.”
    “Simon,” Veronica breathed. Katy stopped herself from scowling at the woman, even though she could fully understand Fuentes’s dilemma—she knew better than anyone how hard it was to let Simon go. “I haven’t seen you in, what has it been? Three years? And you look better than ever.” As he strode toward her, she stood and Katy could have sworn the shark’s knees wobbled, as she practically threw herself into Simon’s arms. Simon took no issue with the intimate and very unprofessional act. He hugged her tight and kissed her on the cheek.
    “You are beautiful as always, counselor.” He looked over her shoulder to Kat, who wanted to rip his lips off. “Good morning, Kat.”
    Simon gently set Veronica from him. “Careful, I got my heart sliced open and handed back to me on a platter over the weekend. Be gentle with me.”
    “Poor Simon, whose heart did you break this week?” Veronica tsked.
    Katy gathered her portfolio and purse. “What are you doing here, Simon?”
    “I’m here to help.”
    “Simon,” Veronica started, clearing her throat and composing herself. “Regardless of your relationship with Dr. Winslow, I don’t think it’s prudent for you to be present during our meeting.” Her tone was firm, and while it was an I-really-don’t–want-to-have-to-spank-you firm, the point was made.
    “I don’t want you here,

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