The Truth

Read The Truth for Free Online Page A

Book: Read The Truth for Free Online
Authors: Karin Tabke
Tags: Fiction, Erótica, Romance, Contemporary
Simon,” Katy firmly stated.
    His face darkened. “Can I have a word with you, Doc?”
    “Three minutes.”
    Katy exhaled loudly, stood up, and he gently pulled her to the door, stopping just short of opening it.
    “There is nothing you can say to change my mind about this, Simon. I can’t trust you without you giving me more.” She crossed her arms over her chest.
    “Look, I can only give you this, but no more. You decide if you’re going to go with it or not.” He leaned into her and softly but firmly said, “I’m not married.”
    Stunned, she blinked, his intense gaze holding hers. He was telling the truth. Wasn’t he? “I want to believe you, but I don’t trust you—yet.”
    “That’s okay, Kat, I don’t blame you. I’ll prove myself by helping you get your job back.”
    He pulled a flash drive from his pocket and handed it to her. “I just came by to give this to you in exchange for your promise not to do any crazy-ass shit.”
    The color drained from her face. Did he know what she and Rosie had done? Of course not. How could he?
    “What is it?” Katy asked, taking it from him. He held on to it. “Promise me first that you won’t go Nancy Drew on me?”
    “I won’t,” she lied.
    He let go of the drive. “After our chat yesterday, I did some investigating on my own. Your friend Dr. Scott, his lovely bitch of a wife, Dr. Shah, and your old friend Lockford are quite the cozy group.” He looked over her shoulder and said, “Ronnie, make sure you take a look at what I have there. I can follow up on anything you might deem helpful.”
    Katy stiffened at Simon’s pet name for his former flame. Hell, maybe after this meeting, they’d pick up where they’d left off?
    Simon ran his fingertip along her bottom lip. “What’s got your dander up, Kat?”
    She nipped at him. He was quick to get it out of her way. She would have bit it off. “Nothing.”
    He leaned closer and softly said, “I’m just trying to help.”
    “I don’t want your help.”
    “After I came clean to you, that hurts.”
    “Stop it,” she hissed.
    “I miss you,” he said.
    “I don’t miss you.”
    “Yes, you do.”
    “You’re a liar!”
    “With a cause.”
    “It doesn’t matter why you lie.”
    “Of course it matters.” He traced his knuckles along her cheek. “It matters a lot.”
    She pushed his hand away. Veronica coughed and they looked guiltily over at her, like two kids who had been caught making out behind the bushes.
    “Simon, it’s time for you to leave.”
    “Got it,” he said, and promptly exited the office.

    efore the door closed behind Simon, Katy turned toward the attorney and pointedly asked, “Ms. Fuentes, what exactly are your intentions toward Simon?”
    Perfectly arched raven-colored brows rose in question. “Come again?”
    Standing her ground, Katy elaborated. “Are you interested in him? Sexually? Romantically?”
    Pursing her lips, Ms. Fuentes inclined her head toward Katy. “Normally I would say that’s none of your business, but since I understand why you’ve asked me, to that end I will answer. My answer is no.”
    Katy swallowed.
    Ms. Fuentes’s luminous brown eyes narrowed. “But let me assure you, if I were interested in him sexually? It would have no impact whatsoever if, one, I take your case or, two, do everything in my power to win it. I have not gotten where I am today by allowing something as simple as emotions to get in the way of any case or client relationship.” She leaned forward. “I go for the kill shot every time. If that means I sell my mother to the highest bidder, then I sell her.” She straightened and opened the folder.
    “If because of my past or present relationship with Simon, you have any reservations with regard to my commitment to you as a client and or my capable handling of this case, then I will be happy to recommend another firm to represent you. But I assure you, you have no reason to fear I would sabotage

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