wouldn’t have any problem sleeping with some other vampires to disable their triggers. We really needed as many older, and stronger, vampires as we could get. The young ones wouldn’t have the knowledge, experience and strength that the older ones could bring. Neither did I for that matter, but I had all the reason in the world to fight. This was MY fight. I had already lost too much in my life. Lost people that I didn’t have the option to fight for. People who were cruelly taken from me.
My first husband, Rob, and my son, Scotty, were ripped from my heart in that car accident. They were gone in the blink of an eye. There was no way I could have saved them. But Matt, Carlos, Andrew, all the others and our future were things I could fight for. Things I needed to fight for. Things I would fight for, until I took my last breath.
I kept glancing anxiously at Matt. The private jet he had hired was scheduled to take off at ten p.m. That left me a little over four hours until I felt the pain of being apart from him. I was bouncing my leg nervously. I was always a worry-wart but this was different. What if the Enforcers found out what we were up to and were waiting for him in Peru? For all we knew they had already captured the chief. I had no way of knowing what he was walking into. Add to that the fact that we’d been with Carlos for four days straight now, which meant no alone time. No way to wrap my arms around him. No alone time to completely connect with him in the only way that makes me feel whole. I was beginning to feel like a junkie that needed her fix. And from the stressed look on his face and the dark circles under his eyes, Matt was feeling the same way too. I felt him try to reach into my mind then and I gladly let him.
He wanted to know what I was thinking and I wanted him to know. He smiled slightly then, looking relieved, then he walked over to Carlos and whispered into his ear. Carlos looked at me, smiled, and rolled his eyes. “Oh whatever,” he said, “You two really need to get sound-proof walls. Of course I don’t think there’s any such thing when it comes to vampire hearing. No problem though. You guys were beginning to bore me. I’m gonna go have some fun at a club,” he grinned.
I walked over to him, kissed him on the cheek. “Thank you. You’re the best, Carlos,” then I hugged him.
His eyes twinkled as he grinned and said, “It was only a matter of time before you said that, Sarah. I’ll be back after he’s gone. You can thank me then.”
Then it was my turn to say, “Whatever,” and roll my eyes. He was out the door in a flash and Matt was in my arms a half second later. And, though four hours wasn’t nearly enough time in my opinion, we made good use of every single second.
We held hands as I drove him to the small private airport several hours later. We hadn’t planned on my driving him, but as he tried to leave the house by himself, it just hurt too much. We decided to stay together until we couldn’t anymore, until he had to walk onto that plane. Until then his hand was not leaving mine. We showed our IDs and his flight pass to the guard at the gate and I drove through. I pulled the car up next to the plane on the tarmac. I used my left hand to put the car in park and shut it off. My right hand was still unwilling to let go of Matt’s left. We both groaned when we saw the pilot emerge from the hangar and walk onto the plane. I popped the trunk open. Matt turned to me and said, “Ready?”
I nodded my head, held my breath, and let go of his hand long enough to get out and meet him by the trunk. I swallowed him up in my arms and began to kiss him with the frantic fervor usually reserved for military husbands/wives sending their spouses off to war. I paid no attention to time, only stopping when I heard the pilot politely clear his throat behind us. Matt looked at me, placed his hand on his heart, then moved it to my heart and whispered, “My heart is yours, my