Phantom Fae
out of the water, watched it to make sure it didn't suddenly burst into flames again, then set it aside. He sheathed the jewel-handled daggers and sword that Ena had given him. After that, he packed what little he had, grabbed the guard's sword, then headed out of the chambers where people were hurrying to get ready. He looked for the guard first, and finding him organizing his battle gear, Brett offered him his sword and thanks again.
    "If it were not for you, I would most likely be dead," Brett said.
    The guard grunted. "If it had not been for my sword bursting into flames in your hands, you would be dead."
    "I still wish to thank you and return your sword."
    The guard eyed the sword, then met Brett's gaze. He shook his head. "The sword is yours."
    "If you're afraid it's enchanted now—"
    The man frowned. "I have another. Keep it." He eyed Brett's jeweled sword and daggers. "It has already aided you once. I must get ready." Then he bowed his head a little, turned, and stalked off.
    Brett supposed it was not a bad idea to have another sword as back up. He went in search of Freya among the courtiers in the Great Hall, busily helping others to pack for battle.
    When he didn't see her anywhere, he went to the cemetery. In her raven form, she was sitting on the headstone that was her mother's. He should have made the connection. Then again, how would he would have ever figured out she was one and the same as the raven and that the headstone had belonged to her mother.
    "Do not call me that," she squawked.
    He realized then he still couldn’t know that she was the raven. "Raven, can you help me to get where we're going?"
    She snorted.
    "Okay, if you can't help me, I don't want you to go with me."
    She stared at him for a moment, then began to prune her feathers as if he hadn't spoken to her.
    He let out his breath in exasperation. "I'll return and—I'll do whatever I have to so that you won't have this affliction. I don't want you in the middle of a war."
    She suddenly swung her head around. Before he realized someone was coming, she flew off.
    "Talking to ravens again?" Zane strode into the cemetery dressed in pine green pants and a tunic that blended in with the foliage. "I had planned to go with the force that would arrive first, but the queen was concerned that you wouldn't stay with the supply train and will run away. Mainly, because you're afraid of having to best me in the next mage trial." He folded his arms across his chest. "I heard you couldn't extinguish the flames surrounding your sword." Then he smirked. "Play with fire…well, I'm sure you know the rest. The supply wagons are loaded. Did you need help in finding the way there?"
    Then he noticed the sword in Brett's hand. He needed to pack it with his other things.
    He had no intention of being embroiled in a fight with the mage apprentice, mostly because Brett assumed that if Zane used his magic to kill him, the queen would be satisfied. Brett wouldn't give Zane a reason for attempting to kill him.
    Brett joined him and they walked to where ten supply wagons were being loaded with bags and crates of goods.
    "That flying trick was different. Where did you learn to do that?" Zane asked.
    Brett didn't have a clue.
    "Only the early masters could do something like that. But neither your father nor your grandfather were one."
    Maybe earlier on. Maybe a great grandfather?
    "Must be a throwback of some sort," Zane said with a sneer.
    If Brett had inherited the talent, he was grateful. Though he wondered why it had never manifested itself before. Maybe it couldn't when he was living among humans. Or maybe it had something to do with his grandfather's gifting him some abilities.
    Zane glanced down at the sword Brett had belted at his waist and then at the sword in his grip and frowned. "Is that the guard's sword? So you did manage to put out the fire. Are you not returning the sword to him? You wear that dragon shifter's sword and the daggers already. Do not

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