Phantom Fae
not the aggressors, he would protect them the best he could.
    "Not my job. The queen's ruling was for those of us who could to keep going. To protect the supplies the best we can. The soldiers will fight the attackers. We have to keep moving forward."
    "Sticking together provides a more unified force. United we stand, divided we fall. Haven't you ever heard that? No, guess you haven't. But you could learn from that." Brett turned to look back over his shoulder when he saw the wagon behind him pull to a stop as they were attacked. Zane was standing on the buckboard and cast a fireball at the fae attackers and the sky was suddenly darkened by dragons.
    Omigod. Ena? Brett couldn't see her. What he saw was four of the dragon shifters who were courting her. They wouldn't want him to live any more than the queen of the phantom fae did. Not that he was courting Ena, but they didn't like it that she had taken him in and cared for him.
    "If you want to fight them, be my guest. Just fly back there and do it. I'm not stopping for anything. You know you're one of us. Right?"
    Reminding him where his loyalties belonged? "As if anyone has treated me like I belong." Unlike Ena and her people. Even though he was a fae killer, they had still taken him in, clothed and fed him, and worried about his welfare.
    Landon snorted. "The queen wants you dead. Your family fought her and lost. No one wants to make friends with you and then get on her bad side."
    "She has a good side?"
    "Not where you're concerned."
    Archers were shooting bolts at the dragons. The dragons retaliated, some breathing fire down on the abandoned wagons as the phantom fae vanished into the woods. The other dragons were shooting fire at the archers. The mage continued to use his fireballs against the dragons, but it didn't appear to faze them.
    One of the dragons spied Landon driving off with his wagon. Brett knew the dragon shifter would blast them. "Stop the wagon and get off!" Brett yelled. "He'll kill us."
    "He won't kill me. " Landon dropped the reins and vanished.
    Brett so wished he could do that, too. Not to flee in the face of danger, but so that he could use that to help him fight the fae who did have that ability. What good was he doing here anyway? He couldn't fight the mage, and he didn't believe fighting the phantom fae soldiers would earn him any Brownie points with the dragon shifters. He really felt like he was stuck between two enemies, and yet unless they tried to kill him, neither was his enemy. Even the mage apprentice had been doing what the queen ordered him to do or she would have terminated him, so he understood his dilemma. The situation with Freya was different. The mage had no business injuring her during the mage trials.
    Brett grabbed for the reins slipping away at his feet and caught hold of them. He couldn't fae transport. He couldn't fight a dragon, using just a sword. He could free the horses so they'd be safe and leave the wagonload full of supplies to suffer its fate.
    He glanced back at Zane, who was fighting a red dragon's fire with fire. All the other phantom fae had vanished, and the few on foot who had been attacking the dragons had disappeared, too. The dragons still poured fire onto the wagons. Before anyone flew after Brett, he drove the supply wagon away from the others, and around the bend in the road and stopped the horses. In a near panic, he hurried to free the horses.
    Once he freed them and they ran off down the road, he jumped down from the wagon. He was about to dash for the cover of the woods, wishing again that he could fae transport when the dragon shifter Alton, who saw himself as Ena's only truly eligible dragon shifter fae suitor, turned away from burning up a wagon and flew after Brett. Hating to flee like a scared rabbit, Brett dove into the cover of the forest. The large-winged dragon couldn't spread its wings fully among the trees and it slowed his flight down, thank God.
    But Alton was still making the attempt as

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