hell after his mom died. And although most people would say my life has been a million times worse than Garret’s, I feel worse for him than I do for myself. I guess it’s harder to accept someone you love being hurt than it is yourself.
I go over to Garret’s bed and slip under the covers, trying not to wake him.
“Jade?” He yawns. “What time is it?”
“A little after 5.”
“Come here.” He puts his arm out and I snuggle up beside him, resting my head on his chest. “Is something wrong or did you just stop by to say hi?”
“Nothing’s wrong. I just wanted to be next to you.” I pull the blankets up all the way to my chin. This house seems so much colder now.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” Garret kisses my forehead. “I feel like you’re not telling me something.”
“I’m okay. What time are we leaving for New York?”
“I have the car scheduled for 9. Why?”
“Is there any way we could leave earlier? Like maybe 7 or 8?”
“We’d have to get up right now if we did that.”
“Yeah. I guess. Goodnight.”
He falls back asleep. But I can’t. I keep replaying that conversation in my head. Parts of it made no sense. Like when Mr. Kensington said that I know their ways? What ways? What does that mean?
He said I was one of them now. I don’t want to be one of them. If Garret and I ever got married, I’d want to run as far away as possible from them, or at least Katherine. I still don’t know what to think of Garret’s dad. Part of me thinks he’s okay, but another part of me knows he can’t be trusted. He’s definitely involved in something I probably don’t want to know about.
I can’t decide if I should tell Garret everything I heard. I’m thinking I should only tell him some of it, like the part about Katherine trying to get rid of me. But then again, maybe he’d be mad at me for listening in. Maybe he doesn’t want me knowing about the things I heard. I decide to keep quiet for now.
At 6:30, I go back to my room to shower and dress. Then I pack everything in my suitcase. On a chair by the bed I spot the Katy doll that Lilly gave me. It’s ironic she gave me a doll that has the same name as her mother. I consider poking pins in it and making it a voodoo doll. But that would be stooping to Katherine’s level and I’m better than that.
I pick up Katy and take her over to my suitcase. But before I can pack her I hear faint knocks on the door. I open it to find Lilly standing there. She has on her pink pajamas, pink robe, and pink bunny slippers.
“Mom said I’m not supposed to come in your room without asking first. So can I come in your room?”
“Yes, you can come in.”
She notices Katy in my arms and her eyes get big. “Did Katy sleep in your bed? I let my dolls sleep with me, too, but they take turns because they don’t all fit in the bed.”
“Yep, she slept right beside me.”
“Are you leaving now?” She sounds so sad.
“I think we’re having breakfast first. You want to come with me?”
She nods repeatedly and grabs my hand.
Katherine’s already in the dining room having coffee. Lilly runs up and hugs her. “Hi, Mom.”
I remember Garret saying that Katherine doesn’t allow Lilly to call her ‘mommy’ because it sounds too babyish and she wants Lilly to act mature for her age. But Lilly still calls Mr. Kensington ‘daddy,’ so he must’ve won that battle.
“Good morning, Lilly. Jade.” Katherine smiles at me. Her smile always looks forced. Now I know why.
“Good morning, Katherine.” I sit down across from her, smiling back. “So I guess you’ll be glad to finally get rid of Garret and me.”
My comment makes her spill some of her coffee. She sets her cup on the saucer. “Not at all. Mr. Kensington and I love having you both here. We’re sad to see you go.”
“Please don’t go, Jade,” Lilly says. “Please!”
“Lilly, it’s rude to beg,” Katherine scolds. “And we’ve