The Quarter Moon (Afterlife saga)

Read The Quarter Moon (Afterlife saga) for Free Online

Book: Read The Quarter Moon (Afterlife saga) for Free Online
Authors: Stephanie Hudson
few times how damn beautiful his baby girl was and I knew by the added ‘F’ word that Libby wasn’t in hearing distance.
    It was this amazing feeling that had me on this sort of cloud the rest of the day and for the first time in a week I couldn’t wait for people to come home. I just kept seeing my little niece’s face looking up at me and my heart seemed to swell. It was only when I was washing up humming ‘You’ll be in my Heart’ by Phil Collins to myself, that I looked up and saw a shadow of a man in the forest that surrounded the driveway.
    I squinted my eyes as the sun was going down , but I could still make out the giant of a man who stood staring at the house. I still couldn’t make out any features, only that he wore black, was extremely tall and had a heavy frame to match. It wasn’t a wild guess to know that it was the same man I had met in the woods, the one that had helped me get to Libby in time.
    So what did I do ...? The only thing I could think of, I clicked the kettle on.
    I was soon walking out to the forest , that now looked even darker than from the kitchen window and with both hands I held on to the steaming mug.
    “ Hello ...Hello?” I said a bit louder but I didn’t get any response or see anyone through the thickness of the trees. But something in my gut told me he was still there, waiting, so I did what I came to do.
    “I umm…I wanted to say thank you… for my sister and the baby, what you did…well, I will be forever in your debt…I wish I could say this to your face , but something tells me that isn’t going to happen, so this was the only way I could think to thank you.” I placed down my Homer Simpson mug and then dug out the mini packet of Oreo cookies from my coat pocket to place next to them.
    “I made this for a friend of mine once and he seemed to enjoy it. It’s hot chocolate and some biscuits. If you need anything else or want anything else to drink, just let me know.” I said feeling like a right dork talking to the trees. I started to walk back until I whizzed back round, thinking of something else.
    “Unless , that is, you’re a Vampire! ‘Cause trust me, I have seen enough blood for one day and that didn’t go so well for me…oh God, now I am babbling! What I mean is…if you fancy a beer or soda or something but NOT blood! No blood for you…Ok well… I guess bye then and thanks.” I said hurrying back to the safety of my house after freaking myself out.
    He wouldn’t really be a Vamp would he? I mean , being behind my neck like that he would have had a taster, wouldn’t he? No, he wasn’t a vamp but that still raised the important question…
    Who was this guy?    

Chapter 4
    Draven’s Legal Mind
    The next week came and went in a baby blur. It was filled with sterilizing bottles, changing nappies, feeding, bathing, changing the tiniest baby clothes and playing host to a stream of people, all desperate to see the new baby. It was a heart-warming time, the second Libby and Frank came home with the new family addition.
    And the very first thing they did was ask me to name her. I was so touched I just sat there dumbstruck for the entire time it took for Frank to make me a cuppa.
    “So, what do you think?” Libby said finally, bringing me from my shock.
    “I…Lib’s, you can’t…I mean…re ally?” Not my brightest literary moment, but what do you say to something like that?
    “Absolutely!” Frank joined in, handing me a steaming LFC mug.
    “Guys, I am touched but come on, you really want me to name your child?” I just couldn’t get my head round it. I mean , it was a massive responsibility even for a parent but for an Aunt, this could literally be a make or break situation…what if she hated it while growing up?!
    “I know what you’re doing Kaz , but please don’t. There is no need to try and talk us out of this, we have talked about it and we couldn’t think of anything more fitting that having the very person

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