The Quarter Moon (Afterlife saga)

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Book: Read The Quarter Moon (Afterlife saga) for Free Online
Authors: Stephanie Hudson
who brought her into the world to name her.” Libby said wiping a stray tear from her eye and Frank was nodding like a little dog on a dash board with a massive grin, next to her.
    Of course , I soon realised that Carrick had left them both with a void in their mind as to his role in her birth, which had left me looking both crazy when asking them about it and also looking like the heroine of this baby miracle. Next time I saw Carrick, if ever, I would be giving him an earful for the lack of a heads up, that was for sure.
    “Yeah and can you imagine if a doctor named Donald had delivered her, I mean how do you change that into a girl’s name?! Poor kid would get crucified in school , that’s for sure.” Frank said making light of the situation and we all laughed.
    “Are you guys really sure about this?”
    “Yes!” They both said at the same time so I gave in, getting up to hug them both.
    Later that day I had thought about the baby and must have run through every name I had ever heard but nothing seemed right. It was only when stirring a big pot of chilli that night , that I thought about something that was significant to the whole situation we all went through when bringing my niece into this world. So at dinner I explained myself.
    “I’ve thought of a name,” I said causing both Libby and Frank to drop their forks at the same time. They looked up at me and Libby took Frank’s hand in hers as they waited for the sound of their baby girl’s name to be said for the first time.
    “I umm, well ok, I guess I’d better just come out and say it. I was thinking about Carrie Ella but like me, using her second name Ella for most of the time…what do you think?” I asked, biting my lip waiting for the name to sink in. They just turned to each other and my sister tested the name, saying out loud,
    “Carrie Ella…Ella, Umm…baby Ella, I like it…no, no…in fact I love it! Oh Keira, its perfect!” She said and jumped up and threw her arms around Frank who laughed heartily with his wife. He looked to me over Libby’s shoulder and winked at me.
    I went to bed that night smiling.
    The naming of baby Carrie Ella was a big hit with everyone and soon everyone took Libby’s lead and started calling her just Ella. She asked me that night where I had got it from and I shrugged and told her ‘it just came to me’. I mean it wasn’t like I could tell her that it was the only female version of my buddy Death Carrick or the fact that Ella came from the ‘ Helluva’ time we had delivering her into this world, of course I just knocked off the H U and the V to make Ella.
    That was over a week ago and I was now sat in the house alone , trying to catch up on end of the college year course work that I had missed due to the depression I’d had thrust upon me. I can’t say that life was ever going to be what it was for me, but Ella’s arrival had at least given me an even greater purpose to life. I found every time things got too much for me all I needed to do was look at my perfect niece lay sleeping, to feel better.
    I still went about my life and instead of finding the time to cry, I would us e it helping Libby with the baby or cramming in last minute studies. This was enough to put off the inevitable questions about Draven, where my friends were concerned but I knew it wouldn’t be long.
    The on ly other question that was never answered, was that of the mystery man in my life, who hadn’t shown himself again since that day. I had, however, found a Homer mug waiting for me one morning and I smiled down at it for a few minutes before picking it off the porch. I examined it to find it had been cleaned and I even sniffed at it to find it smelled like it had been washed in the stream not far from the house, one I often passed on my walks.
    H e may not have shown himself, but I still felt myself being watched sometimes. And in a strange way, I was comforted by the fact, however annoying it was that I still didn’t know who

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