The Power of Forgetting
proximity in the room.
She knows, she just knows; that I have been released. What does she
see? Her eyes search my face. She is caught in something powerfully
intense for her. She is generating a charge like the deep throated
sound of singing in a wild land at night. The sound is moving
through me and it calms my mind. I feel a sense of control. We are
not moving, were are still and there in normal time effortlessly
gliding. I am getting lighter and lighter. But I am still sitting
in the same place at the same time on the same day. Davey laughs,
‘I see something… I see you running across a field. You’re really
    I see the
memory too, potent, simple, and pure; before I was afraid. I had
forgotten it until now, the simple joy of a child running. And I
see Janey running too. But now it is time to stop….
    I lock the
first gently, then the second, and the third, still okay. Then one
by one each set of images turning against each other and then
dissipating. And finally the last one. Softly it folds apart. And
now I am the one to sit with my head bowed.
    Marcia’s eyes
are glowing as she looks up at me, kneeling now on the floor. She
is concentrating on me so completely I forget everything else.
Jared….’ She moved quickly and pressed her lips against mine. This
was soft and simple and like a summer day. Just like the joy of
running through the field with a formidable sense of delight. I am
overtaken with a joy that was only like one other thing; that day
at the pool. She kissed me that way then, but I had forgotten. All
these dark dreams later and now I felt free.
    But I must not
be complacent.
    ‘I need for you
both to let go of me now,’ I said, ‘it’s just a precaution. Just
for a couple of minutes and then I am sure the whole sequence in my
mind is set back into the place it came out of.’
    ‘What just
happened?’ Davey asked me as he withdrew his hand and picked the
small plate up again.
    ‘I was just
starting the car… and err sitting with the engine humming in
neutral; in a manner of speaking. We didn’t go anywhere. But that
is the first time in a lot of years that I’ve done that. I was
afraid to before you see. You and Marcia acted as anchors for me. I
have never tried to tandem travel, so I certainly couldn’t do it
with two of you holding on even if I was trying to move.’
    ‘What?’ Davey
picks up another spring onion, ‘do you mean that there was
    ‘It’s like
being in the mountain….’ I try to explain, but Marcia
    ‘How long has
it been since you knew you were like this?’ she was speaking very
quietly, almost a whisper.
    ‘Since I was
seven years old,’ I said, ‘there is a test that you take. Before I
had chance to do this. Before then, something happened and I was
lost for quite a while. I could not get home, and it scared
    ‘Lost in the
forest?’ asked Marcia.
    ‘Yes. Bu the
forest was time. And the way back was not by conventional means. I
can move the moments around me… at least I’m told I can do so. But
I am never going to use it… unless there is a very good
    ‘Time travel?’
Davey said suddenly, and much louder, ‘You mean flipping Time
travel! I knew you had to be a quiet one for a reason other than
    ‘A quiet one?’
I repeated, ‘I think more like totally invisible. I wasn’t going to
tell you both. I’m so sorry. But his is why I’m crazy… yes I know
that is actually true. I’m not denying it…’ I thought of Hanson’s
sneering at me then. He couldn’t understand the irony of his taunt,
and know why I was so dangerous. I had no control. I supposed in a
vague kind of way I had to practice from now on… that’s why I had
to see Karis if I could; fairly soon. But the barriers were back in
place now.
    ‘You can do all
of that stuff that Aiden could and more?’ Marcia was talking with a
kind of awed shock. I found it a bit uncomfortable. But she soon
looked at me

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