The Pleasure King's Bride

Read The Pleasure King's Bride for Free Online

Book: Read The Pleasure King's Bride for Free Online
Authors: Emma Darcy
strongly that it was wrong to even touch it as she had.
    “Vikki Chan...Christabel Valdez,” Jared casually introduced. “And her daughter, Alicia, whose acquaintance you’ve obviously already made.”
    The old woman bowed. “An honour to meet you.”
    Christabel politely inclined her head. “The honour is mine. It is very kind of you to welcome me.”
    Vikki Chan raised a smiling face. “Your daughter tells me she’d like to eat out here so she can watch the storm. I wondered if you would prefer inside.”
    “No. This is fine,” Christabel quickly assured her, noting that a table on the veranda had already been set and feeling she didn’t want to go farther into this house. It was easier, staying outside. Easier to leave.
    “As you wish. I hope you will enjoy the evening.”
    Only one evening, Christabel recited firmly to herself, as she watched the old woman walk back into her domain, Jared’s domain.
    Behind her, a clap of thunder boomed with deafening force. It sounded like the crack of doom, warning her she should not have come. But it was only one evening. If she kept her head, no more would come from it.
    Having screwed up the necessary willpower, she turned to face Jared...and the storm.

    Jagged streaks of lightning shattered the blackness of the sky, a dramatic force of nature that was awesome, accompanied as it was by the explosion of thunder that rolled on and on. Christabel had never seen such storms in Europe, but she remembered them from her childhood in Brazil, and the flash floods they’d brought, wreaking havoc.
    To Alicia, this was like a magic show, and she kept pointing out the highlights, crying excitedly, “Look! Look!” and clapping her hands with glee. “Oh, that was a big one!”
    Jared laughed at her, enjoying her delight, while deftly playing the role of host, pouring them drinks, offering around a bowl of mixed nuts and rice crackers. He didn’t bother buttoning his shirt, and Christabel found herself disturbingly distracted by the glimpses of bare chest.
    When he handed her a glass of white wine and charmingly asked, “Or would you rather have the fruit juice Vikki made for Alicia?’’ she took the wine rather than be faced with him serving her another drink, standing close to her, making her too physically aware of him.
    Finally he sat down at the table, on the opposite side to where she had settled herself, leaving the chair between them for Alicia, who was happy darting between the table where she helped herself to crackers and juice, and the prime watching position at the top of the veranda steps.
    The table was set simply with bamboo placemats, chopsticks placed on little wooden holders, as well as conventional cutlery in case she and Alicia were unskilled with chopsticks. However, the serviettes were of good linen and the glassware fine quality, adding a touch of class to the casual mood Jared was obviously intent on establishing.
    He lifted his glass, his eyes brushing over her like dark sensual velvet. “It’s good to have you here.”
    She felt her nipples hardening and leant forward defensively, toying with her glass. “You can’t really be lonely, Jared.”
    “There are empty places in my life. Aren’t there in yours?”
    She shrugged. “I dare say it’s impossible to fill all of them, all the time.”
    “Filling some of them, some of the time, would help, don’t you think?”
    “Temporary measures?”
    “If that’s how it has to be. Better than nothing.”
    “Maybe the empty place would feel even bigger afterwards.”
    “Who can count on afterwards? I might be dead tomorrow.”
    “Not likely,” she dryly retorted.
    He glanced out at the storm, still unleashing thunderbolts. “My father died when his plane was struck by lightning, flying into Broome.”
    The stark statement came as a shock to Christabel. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know.”
    His gaze swung back, fastening on hers with compelling intensity. “None of us know the day

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