The Penguin Book of Witches

Read The Penguin Book of Witches for Free Online

Book: Read The Penguin Book of Witches for Free Online
Authors: Katherine Howe
Tags: Reference, Witchcraft, Body; Mind & Spirit
threaten you?
    [A]: They did scratch me.
    [Q]: When?
    [A]: After prayer, and scratched me because I would not serve them and when they went away, I could not see. But they stood before the fire.
    [Q]: What service do they expect from you?
    [A]: They say more hurt to the children.
    [Q]: How did you pinch them when you hurt them?
    [A]: The other pull me and haul me to pinch the child and I am very sorry for it.
    [Q]: What made you hold your arm when you were searched? What had you there?
    [A]: I had nothing.
    [Q]: Do not those cats suck you?
    [A]: No, never yet. I would not let them, but they had almost thrust me into the fire.
    [Q]: How do you hurt those that you pinch? Do you get those cats or other things to do it for you? Tell us, how is it done?
    [A]: The man sends the cats to me and bids me pinch them and I think I went over to Mr. Griggs’s and have pinched her this day in the morning. The man brought Mr. Griggs’s maid 6 to me and made me pinch her.
    [Q]: Did you ever go with these women?
    [A]: They are very strong and pull me and make me go with them.
    [Q]: Where did you go?
    [A]: Up to Mr. Putnam’s and make me hurt the child.
    [Q]: Who did make you go?
    [A]: A man that is very strong and these two women, Good and Osburn. But I am sorry.
    [Q]: How did you go? What do you ride upon?
    [A]: I rid upon a stick or pole and Good and Osburn behind me. We ride taking hold of one another and don’t know how we go for I saw no trees nor path, but was presently there, when we were up.
    [Q]: How long since you began to pinch Mr. Parris’s children?
    [A]: I did not pinch them at the first, but he made me afterward.
    [Q]: Have you seen Good and Osburn ride upon a pole?
    [A]: Yes and have held fast by me. I was not at Mr. Griggs’s but once, but it maybe sent something like me, neither would I have gone, but that they tell me they will hurt me. Last night they tell me I must kill somebody with the knife.
    [Q]: Who were they that told you so?
    [A]: Sarah Good and Osburn and they would have had me kill Thomas Putnam’s child last night.
    The child also affirmed that at the same time they would have had her cut her own throat [scored out from “her”] of her own head for if she would not they told her Tituba would cut it off and complained at the same time of a knife cutting of her when her master hath asked her about these thing[torn] she saith they will not let her tell, but tell her if she tells her head shall be cut off.
    [Q]: Who [torn] you so?
    [A]: The man, Good, and Osburn’s wife. Goody Good came to her last night when her master was at prayer and would not let her hear and she could not hear a good while. 7 Good hath one of these birds, the yellow bird, and would have given me it, but I would not have it and in prayer time she stopped my ears and would not let me hear.
    [Q]: What should you have done with it?
    [A]: Give it to the children. Which yellow bird hath been several times seen by the children. I saw Sarah Good have it on her hand when she came to her when Mr. Parris was at prayer. I saw the bird suck Good between the forefinger and long finger upon the right hand.
    [Q]: Did you never practice witchcraft in your own country? 8
    [A]: No. Never before now.
    [Q]: Did you [lost] see them do it now while you are examining?
    [A]: No, I did not see them but I saw them hurt at other times. I saw Good have a cat beside the yellow bird which was with her.
    [Q]: What hath Osburn got to go with her?
    [A]: Something. I don’t know what it is. I can’t name it. I don’t know how it looks. She hath two of them. One of them hath wings and two legs and a head like a woman.
    The children saw the same but yesterday which afterward turned into a woman.
    [Q]: What is the other thing that Goody Osburn hath?
    [A]: A thing all over hairy, all the face hairy and a long nose and I don’t know how to tell how the face looks. With two legs, it goeth upright and is about two or three foot high and goeth upright like a man and last

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