The Party Boy's Guide to Dating a Geek (Clumsy Cupids)

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Book: Read The Party Boy's Guide to Dating a Geek (Clumsy Cupids) for Free Online
Authors: Xara X. Piper;Xanakas Vaughn
for being there. Fee
    had been the one to start the whole inquisition,
    after all, and Ash did resent that. Then again,
    maybe his own behavior had been just the tiniest
    bit … well, stalkerish. Ash supposed he could see
    how Fee might be annoyed.
    By the time the meeting was over, Ash was
    practically crawling out of his skin with the need
    to get away. He stood and shoved his book back
    into his messenger bag. Just looking at the thing
    made him feel like an even bigger jackass. Maybe
    he would give it to Carley. It seemed more his
    style than Ash's. Who was he kidding anyway? Ash
    might have been able to pull off the sexy professor
    vibe, but in appearance only. He wasn't all that
    intellectual, and he'd probably never be a sci-fi
    nerd. What was the sense in pretending otherwise?
    Ash abandoned his plan to try to get Fee to go
    out for some coffee and slipped away without even
    glancing in Fee's direction. He'd had enough
    humiliation for one night. He wasn't ready to give
    up on Fee just yet—not entirely—but maybe next
    time, instead of giving himself a makeover to try to
    impress Fee, he'd settle for being himself. It had
    never failed him before.
    Chapter Three
    The question is not 'Does your geek have a computer?'
    The question is 'How many computers does your geek
    have?' Sub-questions may be 'That work?' or 'Which OS?'
    OS here refers to the "Operating System." That could be
    Windows, Apple, or one of the 'Linux Distros' (Linux
    Distributions, i.e. RedHat, Ubuntu, or YellowDog). By
    determining which OS your geek prefers to use, you can
    make some determinations about his personality and
    willingness to explore new options. Knowing his
    operating preferences can give you a guide on how to
    work his system.
    Sunday dinner was going to be the worst, Ash
    decided. It had been two weeks since he made a
    fool of himself at Fee's book club, and he managed
    to avoid seeing Jack and Mari, but he couldn't get
    out of Sunday dinner at their place. Jack and Ash
    made it a point to get together once a month to call
    their parents in Florida.
    Ash buried his humiliation and made the trip to
    Jack's apartment. He ignored the burning in the
    back of his throat and denied his stomach was
    doing more flip-flops than usual for any reason
    other than having to hear his father's disapproval
    with his career choice, or his mother's
    admonishments to make sure he was eating enough.
    He wished he'd brought Carley along. His mother
    always loved Carley, and Carley would be able to
    deflect some of Jack and Mari's questions about
    Ash crashing Fee's club.
    The bus slowed as it neared the apartment
    complex, and Ash thought about just continuing on
    to another stop, but someone rang the bell, and the
    bus stopped. He forced himself to get off and
    sighed as he made his way to Jack's apartment.
    Before he could knock, Jack pulled the door open.
    "Oh, hey, bro. I was just taking this out." Jack
    held up the trash bag in his hand.
    "I'll take it," Ash said as he reached for it.
    "Nah, I got it. You go on in. Mari's back there."
    Jack pushed him through the door on his way out.
    "Just get it over with," Ash whispered to himself
    as he walked into the apartment.
    Mari was on the phone in the kitchen. She
    smiled and gave him a quick hug. He paced around
    in the small dining room as she finished her call.
    "Yes, it should say 'Feliz Cumpleaños, Fee'. Yes,
    F-E-E. As in what you're going to charge me for
    this. Yes, half chocolate, half vanilla. Thank you.
    I'll pick it up Saturday morning."
    The front door opened, and Jack came back in
    as she hung up. They both looked at him, but he
    held up his hands before they could say anything.
    Jack was about to speak, but the apartment phone
    rang. Both he and Ash glanced at the clock. "Six
    o'clock, on the dot," Jack said.
    Ash shook his head. "He's nothing if not
    "No kidding." Jack picked up the phone. "Hi,
    Dad. How's it going?"
    "Let me help you in the

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