The Party Boy's Guide to Dating a Geek (Clumsy Cupids)

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Book: Read The Party Boy's Guide to Dating a Geek (Clumsy Cupids) for Free Online
Authors: Xara X. Piper;Xanakas Vaughn
    the Rule of Two and his experiments to manipulate
    midi-chlorians and make himself immortal?"
    "Um." Ash swallowed nervously and wished
    he'd grabbed one of the bottles of water from the
    snack table before sitting down. He was sure he
    sounded like a complete idiot with all the "um-ing"
    and stammering. Vaguely he remembered hearing
    something about how there were always only two
    Sith, a master and an apprentice. Had Yoda said
    that? He thought so, but he had no idea how to
    answer Fee's question.
    From his position beside Fee, Donovan snorted
    and crossed his arms over his chest. "His
    reasoning was obvious. He wanted to reign
    supreme as the only Sith Lord for all eternity. As
    for ending the Rule of Two, he figured if he didn't
    have an apprentice, no one could ever betray him
    as he had his own master." Donovan eyed Ash
    with apparent scorn. "Why are you even here if
    you didn't bother reading the book?"
    "Yeah," said the guy next to Donovan. "The
    purpose of a book club is for people to actually
    contribute to the discussion, not just sit there
    looking pretty. At least, last time I checked."
    Ash shifted uncomfortably in his seat and
    resisted the urge to reach up and tug at his collar.
    He knew his face was probably bright red. He
    couldn't remember the last time he'd been so
    embarrassed. Maybe never. There were areas in
    which he was confident. Art, music, tattoos—he
    could talk about those things all day. But it was
    rare for Ash to stray from his comfort zone. By
    coming to the meeting, he'd knowingly walked into
    a situation where he was out of his depth and now
    he was suffering for it. Really, though, did they
    have to be such jerks about his not reading the
    book? What if he'd just wanted to check out the
    club before committing to anything? Way to make
    a guy feel welcome.
    The ginger-haired girl on Ash's left sat forward
    abruptly and glared at the last guy who'd spoken.
    "Lay off, Rob. You, too, Donovan. We're supposed
    to be an accepting group, aren't we? Or is that just
    lip service until someone different actually shows
    Rob's only response was to roll his eyes, but
    Donovan had the grace to look somewhat abashed.
    "Sorry, man." His gaze met Ash's briefly. "You're
    the guy who emailed the blog, right? Ash?"
    Ash frowned in confusion, his eyebrows
    furrowing together. Oh, hell. Had his email gone to
    a shared address for everyone who ran the blog
    and not to Fee directly? Ash bit back a groan. If
    that were the case, it might explain the animosity
    from Donovan, especially if he liked Fee and
    seeing Ash had made him feel threatened. "Yeah,"
    Ash answered. No point in denying it. "Yep, that
    was me."
    Fee cast a sharp glance at Donovan, but
    Donovan seemed suddenly absorbed by the notes
    in front of him. Ash watched him fidget with his
    pen and avoid Fee's eyes. Well, that was
    interesting. Maybe Fee hadn't seen his email then.
    The thought comforted Ash a little.
    "Let's move on," Fee said after a few seconds of
    awkward silence. "Does anyone have any specific
    topics they wish to discuss in relation to the
    A brunette at the opposite side of the table lifted
    her hand briefly. "I do, actually, but it's more about
    the EU in general. You know how Darth Sidious
    Ash tuned her out as she started spouting names
    he only half-remembered. With the attention of the
    group focused on someone other than him, his
    cheeks had cooled considerably. Humiliated was
    the only word he could think of to describe how he
    felt right then. Sure, it helped to know that Fee
    hadn't intentionally ignored his message—at least,
    Ash assumed that much from the look Fee had
    given Donovan—but he'd made an ass of himself
    by coming to the meeting. He'd expected to be able
    to just sit there and watch, maybe nod every now
    and again to make it seem as if he was paying
    attention. He'd never thought they would single him
    out. But even if Fee hadn't seen his email, he had to
    have guessed Ash's purpose

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