Demon Lord 5: Silver Crown King

Read Demon Lord 5: Silver Crown King for Free Online

Book: Read Demon Lord 5: Silver Crown King for Free Online
Authors: Morgan Blayde
getting ripping away as it was funneled elsewhere, but in the moments the shroud lasted, we saw the pocket of nothingness hiding the fey.  His snaking wind cones all originated from that point.
    Izumi ducked low, crouching, hands hitting the ground.
    I jumped high, passing a twelve-foot mark, and opened fire on the magic-cloaked fey.  I still couldn’t see him, but my slugs flattened against something unseen, and fell to the grass.  A coil of wind wrapped around my torso.  My ribs were compressed.  I couldn’t breathe.  Fuck!
    But my distraction worked.  I’d given Izumi time to complete her attack.  The grass between her and the other fey warrior had flashed from frost to thick ice sheeting.  The ice had tunnels where it enclosed the lower legs of the invisible Storm fey.  He was trapped, pinned, and dropped his glamour as a waste of energy that no longer did him any good.  Popping into view, he looked the same as I’d seen before with the addition of a few grass stains, and a little singing on the end of his scarf.  The face covering had slipped, showing the usual beauty you’d expect from his kind.
    The coil of wind crushing me died, as he pointed palms down at the ice around his lower legs.  Blue lightning flashed, fanned, and bit.  The ice exploded and hailed everywhere.   I fell into a snow bank, mentally thanking Izumi for cushioning my fall.  Rolling free, I summoned my reloaded semi-automatics.  This time I had exploding ammo.  I was done messing around.
    Forked branches of lightning stabbed at Izumi as the storm fey changed target.  She conjured thick sheets of ice for a shield, but also threw herself aside.  She hit and rolled as the lightning broke the ice. 
    The storm fey moved his hands, sweeping the electrical fire after her. 
    I ran toward her, slamming one of my guns into her hands.  I spoke loud enough for the assassin to notice I’d given her a gun, “Shoot him!” 
    The lightning caught me, which is to say I caught it with raw magic, pulling the fire into my body, letting my inner dragon swallow it.  The storm fey tried to drag the lightning off me, and toward Izumi, but I wouldn’t let it go, drinking greedily.  The assassin’s face displayed astonishment and I commandeered his control.
    A shot sounded.  The assassin’s head jerked, and exploded into a frothy red mist.
    Love those exploding rounds. 
    Anything else was overkill, but I’d already flicked his lightning back at him.  It danced over him, burning him heavily, filling the air with the stink of blackened meat.  The lightning vanished.  The dead fey toppled and lay still, smoke wagging away, thinning. 
    “We’re not getting anything out of him now,” Izumi said.  “You could have told me the gun had explosive rounds.  I’d have aimed for his leg.”
    “There was no guarantee the rest of his clothes weren’t charmed the same way as his long coat.  My regular bullets weren’t even getting his attention.  Besides, I’ve put down enough of these guys to know exactly what they want.  Me, Dead.” 
    I lifted my hand in the air.
    Izumi tossed the borrowed gun back to me.  It had a heavy coat of frost on it from her hand, explaining how she’d managed to fire it despite fey being highly allergic to steel.  I’d really only expected her to yelp at the bite of the gun, dropping it like a good distraction while I turned the lightning back on its user.  I hadn’t counted on Izumi being so imaginative.  She could still surprise me.
    “Can you cover this mess with a glamour,” I asked, “and call a cleanup crew to come out and dispose of the remains?”
    “Sure, but you’ll owe me.”
    “What else is new?”  I sent my guns back to the armory.
    Sarah called out from the mansion’s broken doorway.  “Caine, is it over?”
    “When is anything over?”  I walked to my garage, lifted the sliding door, and went in.  I’d had to have the garage widened because of my habit of buying

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