The Murder of Jeffrey Dryden: The Grim Truth Surrounding Male Domestic Abuse
a comment back to this woman later
on, and I made sure to post it in this section of the posting
    “ Everyone always says, ‘I
know they would never do something like this,” Elizabeth Slater
stated as an almost immediate response. This was followed by one of
Chiquita’s family members that went by the name Paula Anderson,
Anderson came off kind of nice at first expressing her views but,
as stated before, used words incorrectly with what we now know are
their correct definitions. In addition, as you will see for
yourself you have to wonder if Anderson has multiple personalities
with the two posts she made, one right after the other. In her
first post, Anderson writes:
    “ Listen, everyone is
hurting-yes! However, to get on this site and make an ass out of
yourself saying foolish things is unspeakable and down right
"ugly.” I met Jeff and he seemed like a very nice young man! But my
niece is a very nice young woman as well, so why don't we all just
move out the way and let the families of theses "two" victims (A
person who is harmed or KILLED by another… how is she a victim?)
deal with what needs to be delt with and instead of passing
judgement on either part, why don't we just "shut up" and give our
support to each family like we claim we are doing! No one here is
to blame! Accidents (An unforeseen event… was it unforeseeable when
she plunged the blade into the back of his neck?) happen and so it
did here as well. God has a way of showing up and showing out in
everyone's life and we are not all in control of our situations or
circumstances, so to be really thorough and honest, it may seem
like this is helping and that we are doing this for the families.
However, if you all are smart as you sound here- you'll focus on
the families and their grieving (sic) time! (Again with the whole,
“Grieving time,) I love my neice (sic) and will be here for her
through this!!!love you Chiquit.
    In Andersons second post that was time
stamped a few seconds after the above post, she stated: “I love you
Chiquita!!!! Auntie got your back!!!!! We ain't giving up no matter
what baby url. Your mom says she loves and we are doing all we can
to get you up and outta there as soon as possible. Fuck tha ones
who point tha finger-Bless the ones who don't!!!! Now
    I find it hard to see any faith in a
person using the words “fuck” and “bless” in the same sentence,
maybe it’s just me, but if my pastor said something using those two
words in the same sentence I think I would need to switch churches
right away.
    Sara K, stated a few moments later, “I
hope they lock her up for good. Taking someone's life has NO
excuse. A young man is dead now and it is so tragic :( Paula, the
ONLY one making an ASS out of herself is you and Tiff.” After
Sara’s statement, a few people felt that both sides (yes even
including me) were being less than adult about the situation and
thought we needed to hold our tongues. A part of me understood
where they were coming from but again, a bigger part of me just
couldn’t do that, apparently neither could several others. Tara K,
Posted a comment to Jeff and his family, stating good things about
him when she wrote: “You will be GREATLY missed Jeff!!! I know Jeff
and I know he is a very nice person always has been a good guy
since the day i met him. Our prayers and thoughts go out to the
family! Please let us know if you need anything!!!”
    Though the postings were short that
day, by the end of it I had seen enough and, as stated above, had
to have my say as well, it was here that I made my statement,
finishing the day’s comments by writing:
    “ Grieving time? (this was
in reference to the Chiquita’s family members that thought we
should all just be grieving as stated before). It is not that
simple... Grieving time is going to be as long as it takes to
convict... then and only then can the family as a whole grieve, as
the actions of that night are going to be brought up at every

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