The Murder of Jeffrey Dryden: The Grim Truth Surrounding Male Domestic Abuse
to my question.
    Obviously, Eric, Jim and I quickly
drove to Jeff’s apartment after hearing that Tony went up there by
himself. Were we looking for a confrontation? Secretly maybe, more
so, however, we wanted to make sure that our family did not have to
go through another loss so close together by the hands of this
    When we arrived there however, Tony was
nowhere in sight, nor was Jeff’s car. This left us a bit concerned
as we drove aimlessly around the lots of the apartment complex,
that was until we received a call from mom informing us that Tony
was now back home and had taken whatever was left of Jeff’s
belongings with him.
    After we returned home, my mom told us
that Chiquita’s family had taken all of Jeff’s clothes, this
included all his skateboarding hoodies which Jason wanted to have
as a way of carrying his brother with him, as well as what they
might have buried him in. A few months later, after Jeff had been
buried and Chiquita charged with the crime of 2nd degree murder,
Tony received a call from one of Chiquita’s family members,
demanding that he return his cocktail table. To which, Tony
replied, “First give me back my son!” It is my understanding that
this individual continued to call, each time getting the same
response until he eventually gave up.
    After going through all this, I had to
wonder what values Chiquita was taught as a child. Most parents
want nothing more than the best for their children, teaching them
morals and values, the difference between right and wrong, but what
about her family.
    Be it ever so true that there is not a
family that is beyond the scope of perfection, but with that said,
what kind of morals does a family have in teaching their children
when they take from the dead, take from those they have killed and
show no true remorse for their family’s actions? Eventually this
was something that her family continued to answer time, and time
again with the result always being the same immoral, unethical
    The flames of
    By this time it was quite apparent who
were the supporters of Chiquita as apposed the friends and family
of Jeff, the real and ONLY victim in all this. Strangely enough
however, some of my own family members felt that I was doing
nothing more than adding to the flames of hatred. Fueling the rage
of sadness and for a while, I thought maybe I should just stop
commenting, stop saying what came from my heart. Stop venting; stop
the desire to inform all those that would listen, all those that
had the ability to read, about the kind of person my cousin
    I wanted others that were totally
neutral, totally vacant of any bias to take a moment to know the
truth, to know that Jeff was murdered, to know that this was not
some damn accident, nor did I want them to allow; let them even
begin to consider; to think that Jeff was the abuser in this
    I didn’t want Jeff’s name, his life to
be trashed or dishonored. His legacy tarnished by a killer and her
family’s quest to get their guilty family member free no matter who
or what they had to say or do in order to do it and as such,
stopping was not an option as I would hope someone would do the
same for me if the situation ever came.
    Ask Yourself
    Before I go any further, I want to
define a few words that have been and will be stated throughout the
last chapter and into the several chapters to come in what I have
dubbed the “Posting Wars.” Several members of Chiquita’s family,
and friends, keep referring to her as a “victim,” that both
Chiquita and Jeff were “victims” of circumstance in this alleged
    To be fair, there are those of us
(including myself) in several posts that will openly call Chiquita
a “Murderer,” a “Killer.” Thus, I feel it best to define the
terminology of these words as well as the definition of the word
“Accident,” in our modern, laymen society so everyone can fully
understand what these

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