The Knitting Diaries

Read The Knitting Diaries for Free Online

Book: Read The Knitting Diaries for Free Online
Authors: Debbie Macomber
again walked all the way around. Still no Baxter. When he examined the hole beneath the fence, he found a piece of green fuzz. So, as he’d guessed, Baxter had slipped through that hole. He got a board from the garage and immediately blocked the escape route.
    When he’d finished, Tim started pacing. He regretted now that he hadn’t gone with Anne Marie and Ellen. He couldn’t tolerate this anxiety, and his fears, for Ellen in particular, tormented him.
    When his cell phone rang, he grabbed it so fast it nearly sprang out of his hands. Some quick juggling saved it from falling onto the lawn. “Hello,” he said loudly, certain it must be Anne Marie with news.
    “You sound mighty eager to hear from me.” Mel, and his tone was sardonic.
    Tim’s shoulders sagged with disappointment. “What do you want?” he asked, not bothering to disguise his dislike of the other man. Actually, Mel was all right, and in other circumstances they’d probably get along fine. But, in his opinion, the fiftysomething architect was too old for Anne Marie. Then again, she seemed to prefer older men; her husband, Robert, had been about the same age. This could all be a lost cause, he reminded himself, feeling even more discouraged.
    “I called to talk to you,” Mel told him.
    “How’d you get my number?” Tim demanded. “Why are you in such a bad mood?”
    Tim sighed; he was taking his frustration out on Mel. “Okay, I apologize. What’s the problem?”
    “No problem, and in answer to your question—”
    “What question?”
    “How I got your phone number.”
    “From Anne Marie.”
    Anne Marie? That didn’t make sense.
    “A few weeks ago her battery was dead, and Ellen was with you, so she borrowed my phone. Your number’s on my call log.”
    “Okay.” He remembered the occasion, since Mel’s number had come up on his phone. “This isn’t a good time,” he said. “I’ll tell Anne Marie you called.” Maybe. Mel considered Tim competition, as well he should. And vice versa… Tim had ruined his chances with Anne Marie, but he was working hard to win her back, although that was difficult with Mel in the picture.
    “Is she around?” Mel asked, disregarding Tim’s comment.
    “No,” he said curtly. “Baxter’s missing.”
    Mel exhaled audibly. “Oh, great. I suppose Anne Marie and Ellen are in a real panic.”
    “They’re looking for him now. I’m waiting at the house in case Baxter comes back here.”
    “So you’re still there. I thought you would be,” he said cynically, “especially since I got delayed.”
    “Listen, I really don’t have time for this. Like I told you, Baxter’s lost and Anne Marie and Ellen are out looking for him.”
    “When did the dog go missing?”
    Tim glanced at his watch. “Thirty minutes ago, maybe forty.” It felt much longer.
    “Who let him get out?” Mel asked in an accusatory voice, as if Tim was personally responsible for what had happened.
    “No one,” he snapped, allowing his irritation to show. “Baxter either dug a hole under the fence or found it there.”
    “Shouldn’t someone have been keeping a closer eye on him?”
    “Yes, probably, but the deed is done. There’s no point in looking for someone to blame.”
    “Poor Ellen,” Mel said kindly.
    Anne Marie wouldn’t take the loss of her pet lightly, either. Increasingly on edge, all Tim wanted was to get off the phone. “What can I do for you?” he asked brusquely. “I don’t want to tie up the line in case Anne Marie needs to get hold of me.” And why was Mel calling him in the first place?
    “It’s about Anne Marie,” Mel said, his voice serious.
    “What about her?” Tim could almost feel what was coming.
    “She’s dating me, not you. Do you understand?”
    “Oh, I understand, all right.” Tim didn’t even try to keep the derision out of his voice.
    “I know she had feelings for you at one time, but that’s over. I’m in the picture now.”
    “And you’re telling me this

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