The Highlander's Choice
drifted through the small window, highlighting Sybil’s brown hair with hints of gold, cascading down around her slender shoulders. Her wide light brown eyes regarded him with innocence. Did she truly not understand what he’d just told her?
    “’Tis a man and woman, lass.”
    Her mouth formed a perfect circle and she blinked several times. “Oh. That sort of a meeting.”
    “Aye. That sort of a meeting.”
    “Well, what will we do now? We can’t stay in here all night.”
    “They were headed to one of the rooms. As soon as we hear a door latch close, we can proceed.”
    She shivered, the room being chilly, and her gown not covering much of her upper body. Liam tugged her to him, and wrapped his arms around her, which was a mistake. In his attempt to warm the lass, he was treated to the scent of lavender drifting up to tease his nostrils. The softness of her breasts pressed against his chest, and the warmth of her body had him thinking of what the couple they’d stumbled upon would be enjoying verra shortly.
    “Are they still in the corridor?” Sybil’s voice seemed strained. Could she be as affected by their closeness as he was?
    He released his hold on her and pressed his ear to the door. All was silent. Sybil rubbed her palms up and down her arms. The lass was cold, and he needed to get her to her room and a fire started to warm her.
    “I believe they’ve found a place for their meeting.”
    “Very funny.”
    He eased the door open and pulled her out. Grasping her hand in his, they continued on until they reached her door. He opened it and they slipped inside.
    “You can’t come in here! If we get caught it will be a disaster.”
    “Ye are in need of some warmth. I will start a fire for ye, and then leave ye in peace.”
    “Well, please hurry. My maid or someone could come into the room.”
    “Ach, that would be a problem, in truth. Sit yerself over there on the bed and I will have the room warm in no time.”
    Her shivering grew worse as he broke up the peat and used a flint to start the fire. Once he had a small flame, he stood and removed his jacket. Crossing the room, he wrapped the jacket around Sybil.
    “Thank you,” she whispered, looking up at him with soulful eyes. By the heavens, the lass was a beauty. And much stronger than he’d given her credit for. He turned on his heel and returned to the fireplace, adding another peat block. He dinna need to be spending time in the lass’s bedchamber. He squatted in front of the fire, suddenly aware that she’d walked up behind him. She knelt and regarded him. “Thank you for tonight.”
    He poked at the block with a fire iron and shrugged his shoulders. “’Twas nothing.”
    She touched his arm. “Yes, it was something. Warwick tried the same thing at a ball in London. Luckily, my brother intervened and a scandal was avoided.”
    “I’m sorry I let ye go outside with the man.”
    “You had no way of knowing.”
    He dropped the fire iron and turned to her, running the backs of his fingers over her soft cheek. “Aye, I saw the fear in yer face. I never should have stopped to speak with Wollsley.”
    “It is over now.” She licked her lips, the action sending all his blood to his groin. If he dinna leave soon he would do something he would curse himself for in the morning.
    “Aye. The fire is burning brightly, so ’tis time for me to leave.” He rose and extended his hand. She stared at it for moment, then took his hand in hers. He pulled her up and drew her close. In the glow of the fireplace she bent her head back to stare in his eyes. She leaned toward him, and without thought, he lowered his head and took her lips in a soft kiss.
    Her mouth was warm and moist. Like fine honey. His lips left hers to nibble at her earlobe. “Ach lass, ’tis such a temptation ye are.”
    No sooner had his whispered words left his mouth than she pulled back, her chest heaving. She backed away, her arms wrapped around her body and turned toward the fire.

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