The Hex Breaker's Eyes
the guy’s heart a few days ago and then suddenly she gets
cursed? Obviously it was him.”
    “Probably? You
mean ‘ awesome job Tam and Ryan, way to crack the case ,’
    “Just tell me
what Ryan got. Who did he talk to, who said what?”
    “He asked
Chris, you know that really tall guy who can’t make a free throw?
He’s a senior and he’s cool to the juniors, so Ryan talked to him.
He said that someone was asking him to find out about Dina and see
what her situation was.”
    “OK, so what
did Chris say?”
    “She was dating
a guy named Mason Charles, and they were together for six months,
and then last Thursday she dumped him... with a text message. I
guess he was really mad about it, she completely blindsided him.
Seems like the sort of thing that would cause someone to get
magic-cursing pissed, eh?”
    “For sure,” I
say. “I only have five more minutes and I gotta call Marlie.
    “Later!” she
hangs up.
    I quickly dial
Marlene’s house. Marlene also doesn’t have a real cell phone, so I
have to call her landline. Thankfully, she answers. It would suck
to waste my last five minutes waiting for her mom to tell Marlie
there was a call.
    “Hey,” I say.
“I don’t have a ton of minutes on my phone so we gotta talk
    “OK. What’s
up?” Marlene seems distracted, not paying a ton of attention to the
phone call.
    “You find
anything out about this curse?”
    “Hex. The word
is hex,” she corrects me.
    Marlie sighs,
“No, not whatever. A curse is voodoo, a hex is witchcraft.”
    “OK, Marlene. I
bow to your occult knowledge. Just tell me the sitch.”
    “You described
a yellow aura, but nothing online really talks about auras. But the
things you describe, lights turning off, tripping and falling, etc.
It sounds like a bad luck hex. Basically, she’s always going to run
into the bad version of a given situation. The odds are always
against her. Kind of a weak hex. Beginner witchcraft.”
    “It tried to
throw her down the stairs,” I point out.
    “No, it tried
to make her step on a slippery binder on the stairs. Bad luck hex,
not a hex that’s set to injure or to maim or to kill.”
    “So what’s a
hex that’s harder to do? If this is beginner, what’s advanced?”
    “Love spell?
That seems to be hard. There’s one called ‘The Hole in the Bucket’
that this website says is really bad. And another one that I’ve
only seen mentioned on the cache of a deleted forum. They call it a
    “Jeez. OK. I
guess a death spell wouldn’t bother with turning off the
streetlights. But what about the bad luck hex?” I ask.
    “What?” she
asks, finally paying more attention to me than to her computer.
    “Can this thing
keep getting worse? I mean, if this person keeps amping up their
anger to boost the spell, can this thing kill her? Just how bad is bad luck?”
    Before Marlie
can answer, my phone goes dead. I could call her back on the house
phone but I don’t bother. She was too focused on her computer
anyway. We can talk tomorrow.
    I head down to
the rec room to watch TV, but I can’t focus. Somewhere in this
town, in this very neighbourhood, Dina Jennings is in a house full
of kitchen utensils, household chemicals, and God knows how many
stairs and potential tripping hazards. And between her and them,
there’s a yellow monster she can’t see, and its only purpose is to
take those normal everyday objects and turn them in weapons against

November 8
    “Hey Matty,” I
say in the cafeteria at school. “What’s up?”
    Tam and I have
been roaming the hallways for most of the lunch period, looking for
Matty Charles, who is Mason Charles’ little brother. Matty’s a
freshman, a year younger than us, and from the looks of it, he’s a
real nerd. We’ve finally found him in a corner of the cafeteria,
sitting with one other boy, playing some kind of card game.
    “Um,” he

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