The Gillespie Five (A Political / Conspiracy Novel) - Book 1 (42)

Read The Gillespie Five (A Political / Conspiracy Novel) - Book 1 (42) for Free Online

Book: Read The Gillespie Five (A Political / Conspiracy Novel) - Book 1 (42) for Free Online
Authors: T.K. Harris
slammed into the wall behind it.  He then stepped aside as the two holding Tommy led him inside and cut the zip ties.  Tommy immediately began rubbing his wrists, trying to get some feeling back in his hands, and instantly regretting it as sharp needles of pain shot down his fingers with the returning blood flow.
    The man that led the way waited as the other two guards left the room and then turned to Tommy.  "You will receive three meals a day.  You will remain here until someone comes to get you for questioning."  He then stepped back, slamming the door.
    Leaping after him, Tommy yelled, "Hey, wait a minute!  Don't I get to talk to someone?  What is going on?  Am I under arrest?"
    His only answer was the sound of a bolt sliding into place. Seeing a metal slot in the door that resembled a larger version of a mail drop, he tried to open it with no luck.  "Hey! Don't leave me here! Somebody answer me!"
    He hammered the door with his fists.  "Someone!  Anyone!  I know my rights!"  He continued until his fists were bruised and his already swollen throat began to ache.  And, still, no one came.
    Feeling like he was stuck in a waking dream, he turned to look at his room.  If you could call it a room.  The small, almost closet sized area contained a toilet, a sink with what looked like an unbreakable mirror hanging over it, a shower head with a button beneath it instead of a lever, and below that was a small drain in the floor.  The last thing in the room was a cot on top of which sat a blanket, a set of sheets, a towel and a bag.  There were no windows.  But he also didn't see any cameras.  And it was cold.
    Cell. They had called it a cell.  As in jail cell?
    Shivering slightly, Tommy walked over to the bed and opened the bag.  Inside he found a comb, toothbrush, toothpaste, bar of soap, roll of toilet paper, shaving cream and safety razors.  Understanding, followed by dread, began to dawn on him.  Not only was this not a hazing but, whoever these people were, it seemed like they expected him to be here for a while.
    Not knowing what else to do he began to pace the cell, knocking on the concrete walls.  It was something he'd seen in a movie.  The guy was looking for a hollow place.  What he would do if he did find a hollow spot he had no idea, but it distracted him from the mounting voice of fear in his head.
    When he completed his circuit just a few minutes later, he knew two things.  One, that the walls were all solid concrete and two, his waking daydream was quickly sliding straight into a nightmare.  The fear that had grabbed him from the moment he felt the hand close over his mouth, now slithered deeper.  And he didn’t like it.  A nineteen-year-old had no business being afraid.  He tried to think of what his dad or uncle would do, but came up with nothing. 
    His parents probably wouldn't even know he was gone until he didn't call in a few days.  He collapsed on the bed with that thought.  No one would.  He didn't have a roommate yet and he met up with his friends sporadically at best these days.  And his professors would probably just assume he was sick or skipping.  His paper was going to be late, and he was also going to miss tomorrow's Calculus test.  And if his grades dropped below a B average he was going to lose his scholarship as well. 
    A flash of his mother’s worried face raced across his mind.  With her weak heart she wouldn’t be able to handle his disappearance.  Angrily, he threw the bag across the cell, letting out a cry of frustration.  He was startled when he heard a scraping sound from the door.
    Eagerly he jumped up and rushed over.  "Hello?  Who is it?  When do I get to call someone?  Hello ?  Damn it! I know you're out there!"
    The panel covering the slit opened and a small tray was passed through.  "Come get it," said a male voice.  Tommy walked over and had barely taken hold of the tray before the slot slammed shut again.  He heard retreating

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