The Earl's Return (Marriage Mart Mayhem)
water you’ll be soaked and might catch a chill.”
    “I never catch chills. Now put me down.”
    “Of course.” He slid her into the carriage and climbed in after her. “There, was that so horrible?”
    She straightened her hat and tugged on her already well-fitted gloves. “You had no right to manhandle me, my lord.”
    “So we are back to ‘my lord’ again?” He couldn’t help but grin. Even though she was attempting to right herself, her hat was crooked, strands of her hair fell onto her shoulder, and her cheeks were flushed bright red.
    “I could have very easily walked across that tiny bit of water.”
    “It is over now. At least I won’t return you to your brother sneezing and coughing.”
    “You are not ‘returning me.’ I am not your responsibility. You merely offered me a ride home, nothing else.”
    He dipped his chin. “As you say.”
    He studied her as she stiffened her spine and stared out the window at the passing scenery. Why did this woman attract him so? The fire in her eyes and flush on her cheeks affected him like no other before. He had been quite fond of Abigail, and had thought he would one day grow to love her, but the draw toward Lady Mary was quite different.
    Abigail would have been a perfect countess for him. Gracious, intelligent, beautiful, well-connected. She’d had everything he’d needed or wanted. Theirs would have been a satisfactory marriage. They would have grown fond of each other, raised children, and held hands as the first of them left this world.
    Lady Mary, on the other hand, was fire and ice, love and hate, as tranquil as a pond, as turbulent as a raging river. She had captivated him, and that was not good. He had set two goals for himself in returning to London: to put behind him the scandal he had caused, and find a wife. Neither goal would be reached if he persisted in this fascination.
    She remained silent throughout the ride, gazing out the window. He was happy to just sit and stare at her. Once this ride was over, he would make a point to avoid her in the future, except for when they needed to meet at the Orphan Asylum.
    Tomorrow night at the Beresford daughter’s come-out, he would take a good look at the available young ladies. He would ingratiate himself with their mamas, be the perfect gentleman. Bow and smile. Flirt and fetch lemonade. Dance and chat. He had done it before, when he’d been courting Abigail.
    Then disaster had struck, and his life as he had known it had vanished. However, it was time to put all of that behind him. The past was just that. And Lady Mary and her family were part of that past.
    The carriage stopped in front of Manchester House. Lady Mary shifted forward on the seat as the driver opened the door.
    She took his hand, and turned to Redgrave. “Thank you for the ride, my lord.”
    “You are most welcome.”
    Lady Mary climbed down and hurried up the steps. He felt the carriage shift as the driver climbed to the top. Once she was safely in her house and the door closed, Redgrave tapped on the ceiling, and the carriage began to roll forward.
    He leaned back and closed his eyes, thinking of all the young ladies at Almack’s he would meet that evening, whom he could consider for his countess.
    But one face kept crowding out the others.

Chapter Four
    Mary hurried up the stairs to her bedchamber and closed the door, leaning against it, attempting to catch her breath. Her heart still pounded from when Redgrave had scooped her into his arms and carried her to the carriage. She hadn’t wanted to feel the strength of his arms, the warmth of his body, or the scent of bergamot that had surrounded her when she’d worn his jacket. She didn’t want to have anything to do with him.
    He was a cad.
    It was vitally important to keep that foremost in her mind. Yet, something in his expression had made her wonder. She’d glimpsed sorrow and guilt there when he’d spoken of Abigail. What had possessed him to throw over the sister of a duke

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