The Dating Tutor: Alec's Story

Read The Dating Tutor: Alec's Story for Free Online

Book: Read The Dating Tutor: Alec's Story for Free Online
Authors: Melissa Frost
in their lives to keep them on track. “I’ll make sure I grab it. Thanks.”
    He ducked out of her window and scrabbled his way across the tree until he was able to descend down its base. Much like he’d done the night before, he hopped with ease over the fence, ducking back into his own yard.
    He crossed over to the front of the house, used the key hidden under the plant on the porch, and let himself in. He didn’t try to hide the fact that he’d been out all night. His actions were a reflection of his treatment from his father, and ones he felt justified in.
    Without even looking to see if Jerich was awake, he jogged up the stairs and slipped into the bathroom. Stripping out of his clothing, he hopped into the shower and cranked the hot water up. Once he had the steamy spray cascading down his back, he let out a slow exhale, trying to force out any worries or anger that still remained. He had a full day ahead of him, and entering into it with stress was not the way to go.
    Seeing as Ellie had woken him so early, Alec had the luxury of truly enjoying his shower. He took his time lathering up his hair, reveling in the scalding water as it pelted his shoulders. He let his tension slip away, sliding down him like the cascade of water to be washed away in the drain. He wouldn’t let anything get to him today. He refused to let his rancorous father dampen a single moment more than he already had. Today was a day he vowed to enjoy…except for that damn English exam.
    With a frown, he switched off the water and climbed out of the shower. Wrapping a towel around his waist, he glanced quickly in the mirror at his appearance. The bruise on his cheek stood out against the otherwise smooth complexion of his face. It was fading to a muted yellow, but no doubt he’d replace it soon enough.
    Opening the door to the hallway, he stepped out and nearly walked straight into his father. His jaw tightened as he stared at the man who was like a living Jekyll and Hyde. He waited in silence to see which version of the monster would make an appearance this morning.
    Jerich gave a sheepish smile and held out his son’s equipment bag as if it was a peace offering. “This is the last practice before the big game against Leary, huh?”
    Alec’s shoulders tensed. He wasn’t sure which version of his father was harder to deal with. The drunk or the heartbreaking glimpse of what their life could be like if Jerich would quit drinking. “Yeah,” he said stiffly. “Hopefully the rest of my team has enough authentic talent to pull out a victory.”
    Jerich’s eyes filled with regret, his son’s words obviously striking a guilty cord in him. “Listen, Alec…I’m sorry. Whatever I said last night…”
    “Forget it,” Alec said rigidly. “It doesn’t matter.”
    “Do you want me to stop by practice?” Jerich offered in a gentle tone. “I could give the guys some pointers. You know I used to play with Leary’s head coach growing up…”
    It took everything in Alec not to grind his teeth once again. His father was a celebrity where hockey practice was concerned. The coaches loved having him there. The other players hung on to his every word. The fact that Jerich Horner could put so little effort into his home life and still get treated like a superstar was an injustice in Alec’s eyes. “No,” he said darkly. “We’ve got it covered.”
    “I’ve got to get ready for school.”
    “I could—”
    “No.” Alec’s words were hard and firm. “I don’t need your help.” He snatched his equipment bag out of his father’s hands and stormed past him into his room. The sooner he got accepted to a college and moved out of this house, the better.
    * * * *
    “Alright, students, pencils down. Please pass your exams to the front of the classroom.”
    Alec glanced at the clock for what must have been the hundredth time. He’d finished with his exam seven minutes ago and had sat with his test face down on his desk while

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