The Dating Tutor: Alec's Story

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Book: Read The Dating Tutor: Alec's Story for Free Online
Authors: Melissa Frost
he awaited the end of the period. Ellie badgering him into studying had really paid off. He’d been confident in most of his answers. And ending the semester strong would mean a better chance at a scholarship down the road.
    He waited for everyone behind him to pass their papers forward before adding his to the stack. He tapped the person in front of him on the shoulder and sent everything up to the teacher standing at the front of the classroom.
    Just as the last stack was being collected, the bell rang, signaling the end of class. Alec tossed his pencil into the front pocket of his book bag. He yanked the zipper closed and was on his feet, ready to escape into the hall for four brief minutes of peace before the next bout of learning started.
    He didn’t make it farther than two desks before someone placed a hand on his forearm, halting him.
    “Alec, wait up.”
    He looked over and was surprised to see Shannon Albright, the leading member of the bitch brigade.
    “Don’t look so shocked,” she said with a purring laugh as she fell into stride beside him. “One of the most eligible bachelors in school finds it odd that attractive females wish to talk to him? That I just can’t believe.” She tucked her arm into his. “Walk me to history class.”
    He noted that it wasn’t a request. More than a little puzzled, he hiked his book bag up higher on his shoulder and guided her out into the hallway. “I’m just…” He turned to gaze at her questioningly. “You don’t usually…socialize with me.”
    The answer she gave really had nothing to do with his comment. “I saw that goal you scored against Lincoln a few weeks ago. That was…” She shook her head as if she couldn’t find the words to describe it. “Well, it was amazing.”
    She smiled coyly at him before falling silent. As they walked down the hallway, he could hear the click of her heels, could feel the exaggerated sway of her hips as she meandered along at his side.
    He snuck a quick glance at her, still unable to fully comprehend what was happening. Her long black hair brushed along his arm as they walked, sending a wave of goose bumps down it. Her full, pouty lips were tugged into the slightest of smirks, as if she knew a secret no one else was privy to. The look was sexy…and dangerous.
    Her dark eyes flicked to his, and upon finding him studying her, she smiled. Her teeth were in perfect alignment, their color a dazzling white. From far away, he’d thought she was flawless. This close, he knew she was.
    “It’s a shame about Felicia,” she said conversationally.
    Felicia Lockston had been his date for Saturday night, but this morning she’d informed him she wouldn’t be able to make it. She’d gotten caught cheating on a test and was now grounded for all eternity, as she’d put it. “Yeah. Sucks.”
    “That’s it!” Shannon threw her free hand dramatically up into the air. “I’m canceling my plans for Saturday night so you don’t have to spend it alone. Leaving you in the lurch like that was selfish of Felicia. I’ll be your date instead.”
    This caught Alec so off guard that he couldn’t even think of a coherent response. “Oh…well…I…”
    “It’s settled.” Standing on tiptoes, Shannon leaned close and brushed her lips against his cheek. “It was so very sweet of you to ask me to dinner.” She twirled on her heels and swept into the classroom before he could point out that he hadn’t asked her at all. She’d all but demanded it. “Pick me up at seven.”
    As she disappeared, Alec stared after her, wondering what had just happened. An expert on dating he might be, but Shannon had just schooled him. She’d managed to snag a date and hastily zip off, making it seem as if the whole thing had been his idea. If this encounter was any indication, he was in for some serious trouble.

    Chapter Five
    Alec watched with what he knew must be an expression of horror as Ellie tramped jerkily about her bedroom

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