Shipwreck Island

Read Shipwreck Island for Free Online

Book: Read Shipwreck Island for Free Online
Authors: S. A. Bodeen
head hit the deck, the next dip of the boat had her nausea surging, and she was back up on her knees in seconds. The boat leaned from side to side, as if it were going to tip over, making her scared as well as sick. “Dad, I want to get off!”
    â€œSarah, I am so sorry.” John paced the deck behind her. “I never even thought of bringing motion sickness pills. I never get sick on boats; your mother never got sick on boats.” He stepped over to the hatch and yelled down into it. “Did you find anything yet?”
    Captain Norm came up from below and stepped back onto the deck, holding a small white bottle. “Found some.”
    John sighed and took the bottle. “Oh, thank goodness.” He glanced at the label and frowned. “These expired three years ago.”
    Captain Norm shrugged. “They only put expiration dates on those things so you’ll buy more. I’m sure they’re fine.”
    John shook his head and handed them back. “You can keep them.”
    â€œDad,” Sarah moaned. “Do something.” She lay down on her side, both hands curled under her head. She shut her eyes, but then the motion seemed worse.
    Yvonna came up the stairs. “I made some ginger tea. Well, not exactly tea, just sugar and ginger, but it might make you feel better. I give it to the boys when they have sore throats.”
    Sarah glared at her. “My throat is fine.”
    Yvonna nodded. “I know. But some people also swear it’s a cure for seasickness. Want to try?”
    â€œThanks,” said John. He took the mug and knelt by Sarah. “Honey? Want to try this?”
    Sarah did not want to take anything from Yvonna, but she was desperate, not dumb. If there was the slightest chance that the tea would stop the rolling in her head …
    She nodded.
    Her dad helped her sit up and held on to her back as she took a cautious sip. She made a face. “It’s like … spicy. But not.” She took another sip, then held the mug in both her hands, letting the steam curl up into her face. She breathed in, liking the smell. “I’ll drink it.” Although she still felt like her head was about to fall off, the tea gave her something to think about besides being sick. She faced the front of the ship, trying to focus on the horizon, which was the only thing not moving as far as she could tell.
    Ahab came and lay down beside her, snout on his outstretched paws. Sarah thought he looked meek and apologetic, almost as if he felt it were his fault for her being sick. Despite his overzealous greeting earlier, Sarah found it hard to hold a grudge, so she set her hand on his hefty back and rubbed. “Hey, boy.” He wore a navy blue collar with a silver anchor-shaped tag. Sarah held it so she could read the word on it. AHABB . “I thought it was spelled with only one B .”
    â€œIt is.” Captain Norm stopped and patted the dog’s head. “Dumb company misspelled his name. He had a better tag, but he lost it on an island last year.” He scratched his chin. “In fact, I think he lost it on the island we’re heading to.”
    â€œMaybe we’ll find it,” said Sarah.
    Captain Norm smiled. “Maybe.” He tipped back his hat and pointed out at the water. “See anything interesting?”
    â€œLike what?”
    Captain Norm rubbed his bristled chin. “You never know. Dolphins. Whales. Mermaids.”
    Sarah smirked. “Okay, I’ll keep an eye out for mermaids.”
    The skipper narrowed his eyes. “I’m serious.” He looked out at the waves. “I’ve been sailing since I was eighteen. Spent seven years in the Caribbean.” He raised his eyebrows at Sarah. “Met some interesting folks.”
    â€œMermaids?” Sarah rolled her eyes.
    He pointed at her. “I met people who believed in them. Old men who had been on the seas for years. They had stories. They

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