“Oh, Gemini! I was right! You are beautiful!” He shook, nuzzling into Quincy’s throat, mouth open.
Quincy gasped, panting.
The skin beneath his lips was salty and tart, flavored with the scent of Quincy’s come.
He rocked slow and easy, purring as he licked and moaned. He was lost. Lost.
One of Quincy’s hands slid beneath his hip, pulling him up against the long body, sliding his cock along heated skin. Sweet licks tickled the skin behind his ear.
“Your turn.”
“Oh. yes.” He whimpered, head tilting and offering Quincy more. “Feels like magic.”
“You’re the magician,” Quincy murmured, tongue following the line of his neck. “I’m just a lonely Gemini.””No. You’re not just anything, Gemini. You fill my dreams.” He whimpered, cuddling close, hands moving over Quincy’s spine.
“Oh, Topaz... how am I going to keep myself from falling in love with you?” Quincy’s gazed down at him, moving their hips together.
“You’re not.” He wouldn’t lie. “We’re already in love, we’re just not admitting it yet.”
“Oh... Topaz... Come for me so I can make love to you.”
He laughed, taking a happy kiss, shivering in his Gemini’s arms as he came, melting. Quincy held him, hands stroking along his sides, gentle and warm.
Topaz relaxed, purring and moaning as he floated. “Oh, Gemini. Love me. Please. I want to feel you.”
“Where’s your condoms and lube, Topaz? I don’t want to have to stop and find them later.”
“In the little covered basket there.” He stretched and pointed, nuzzling Quincy’s chest.
Quincy reached over to the basket and pulled out several condoms and the tube of lube, placing them on the bed, by the pillow.
Then his mouth was taking in a gentle kiss, Quincy’s tongue once again pushing in to taste.
Oh, so gentle. Such care. Topaz trembled, undone by his Gemini’s focus.
Quincy proceeded to explore, fingers and mouth traveling slowly over his body, lingering whenever he gasped or cried out.
Topaz twisted and laughed, purred and arched. Quincy found the spot at the edge of his scar that made him cry out, the line above his pubic hair that gave him goose bumps.
Quincy kissed each hip, lavishing wet, warm attention on them before slowly moving back up to his nipples.”I... Oh, Gemini. You... It’s so good.” He didn’t have the words, didn’t have anything but honest need. He reached out and stroked Quincy’s hair, fingers trembling.
Quincy only moaned and brought their mouths together again.
That sweet tongue entered him again, distracting him until slick fingers slid between his legs, stroking his balls, moving beyond them. His knees parted, stretching wide for that touch. Moaning, Quincy found his hole, circling it, pressing gently against it.
“I want you.” He did, his body opened easily, Quincy’s fingers sliding into him with ease.
“Yes,” agreed Quincy, moaning, fingers stretching, sliding against his gland.
Topaz gasped, hips rocking to keep the spikes of pleasure constant, zinging through him.
“I can feel your need trembling around me.” Quincy’s own need was hard and hot against his hip.
“Oh, you’re making me fly.” He was high on the sensation, the scent of Quincy on his skin, the taste of strawberries on his tongue.
“That’s the idea.” Quincy’s fingers slipped away, the blue eyes so dark as they gazed down at him.
He could hear the plastic condom package being opened, heard Quincy gasp as it was applied and then Quincy was there, at his hole, such heat pressing against him.
Topaz tilted his hips, rocking against that heat slow and easy, feeling himself open, letting himself feel everything. “Make love to me.”
“Yes.” Quincy pushed in slowly, almost painfully slowly, the thick heat spreading him, giving time for each and every nerve to learn that cock.
He reached out, cupped Quincy’s cheek. They breathed together, moaning as they joined. “You’re magic. Oh...”Quincy nuzzled