The Baron's Betrayal
thigh with his fist. “I demand you return to your home.”
    “ This is my home, my lord,” she countered.
    Tristan closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose with his thumb and forefinger. “I refuse to have Mason remove you.”
    “I thank you so very much for your generosity, my lord.”
    “But this game you’re playing will not end well.”
    “I am not playing a game. I am your wife. And it is my concern as to how it will end. Right now I shall retire to the room Mrs. Downs has prepared for me, and see about having a maid assist me to unpack.”
    “Where is your lady’s maid? We have none here.”
    “At Manchester Manor I shared a lady’s maid with my sisters. So, I shall need to hire one. For now I can make do by myself.”
    “Perhaps there are no funds to hire another maid.”
    “Are there not?”
    He could hear her breathing and sense her presence, but he remained stubbornly silent. After a few minutes, soft footsteps padded across the room, then he released the breath he held at the sound of the door opening.
    “Shall I have my bags remain packed if we are to leave for London in the morning?”
    “There is no reason to remove ourselves to London if you are coming with us.”
    “Oh, so you were trying to escape me?” He could hear the mirth in her voice.
    When he didn’t answer, she added, “It won’t work, Tristan. I am here to stay. Here, or there, it matters not.” The door latch clicked, leaving him in silent contemplation.
    How the devil would he hold her off if she resided in the same house with him? Ate meals at his table, slept in a bed under his roof?
    His groin tightened at this last. He’d not had the comfort of a woman’s body since he’d left Marion to return to the sea. Despite his desire to end their marriage, he’d had no intention of ignoring his wedding vows. Indeed, no intention of ever affording himself the luxury of the warmth and pleasure found in a woman’s arms.
    Even if he did desire such, no other woman would satisfy him as well as his wife. Their lovemaking had always been something magical, spiritual, if you will. The joining of two hearts and two souls.
    But that had come to an end. He was a blind man, with nothing to offer a woman. That was to be his lot in life, and his wife attempting to change that was useless. Furthermore, he could not let her try.
    Marion went in search of Mrs. Downs. Before she was able to locate the housekeeper, a young maid of about nineteen years descended the stairs.
    “My lady, if you will follow me, I will direct you to the room prepared for you.”
    Marion followed her up the stairs and down a narrow corridor. They entered a room that could only be described as perfect. Cream and pale rose striped wallpaper brought out the warmth of the space. Her feet sunk into the thick carpet as she took in the generous windows allowing the pale sunlight to illuminate the area. A brightly burning fireplace in one corner added to the comfort. Her spirits rose.
    “And where is his lordship’s room?” Marion asked as she surveyed her new quarters.
    “Why, right next to this room, my lady. Through there.” The girl nodded in the direction of a carved oak door. “This room is where Mrs. Downs insisted we put your things.” Completing a quick bob, she added, “May I assist you with your unpacking, my lady?”
    “Do you have other duties to see to right now?”
    “No. Mrs. Downs asked me to help until she can hire a lady’s maid for you.”
    Apparently the staff already knew she intended to be a permanent resident. Interesting, that the plans to relocate to London seemed to have been halted by the staff without word from Tristan. Perhaps that was Mrs. Gibbons’s doing. “Well, thank you very much. And what is your name?”
    “Jane, my lady. My mum’s Mrs. Downs.”
    “Well, perhaps you can be my lady’s maid.” She liked the young girl, who was sweet and eager. Marion’s mother oftentimes raised girls from parlor maids to

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