The Alien Artifact 8
    “ We found another space vehicle over
    “ Where did you find it?”
    “ He found it!” Cronenberg pointed at
    Rosenberg replied, “I searched the other side
of the hill! I saw it over there, hidden away … It was in a direct
line with here!”
    They looked at him confused, wondering what
it was.
    “ We found a crashed space vehicle
there! It was an old rocket spaceship! We found two pilots! One was
called Anders!”
    “ I recall him!” Stanley replied first.
“He vanished with another astronaut on Mars years ago!”
    As Cronenberg thought of Anders he realized
he had looked identical to the ghost astronaut he had seen in the
night over at the hill, which he had searched for signs of in the
morning before he climbed up the hill, and he wondered what the
hell it meant, and he decided not to mention it unless there was
more evidence of whatever it was existing.
    They all looked up and watched pilots from
the other shuttle enter their shuttle, and them examining
everything about them, and one trying to check the damage done to
the shuttle.
    Cronenberg got up and watched one at work,
and recalled him, and his job, and realized he was the best person
for the job.
    “ You’re Commander Cronenberg! What
happened before you landed here?” he asked, curiously.
    “ Something attacked the shuttle and
took control of it!”
    He looked up, and stared at him with
    “ Are there flights records that can
confirm that?”
    “ And we can to!”
    He looked confused, wondering what it could
    “ Wait until you see the other space
vehicle ...! ” he told
him, still amazed at the find.
    “ What other vehicle is
    He pointed over in the direction of it, and
replied, “Did you not see it while landing? It’s away over
    “ What could it be?”
    “ Anders! Remember him! It’s an old
rocket vehicle …”
    “ I remember him! What do you think he
was doing out here?”
    “ I don’t have a clue!” he announced,
and he thought about it and realized how intrigued he was, and
realized he really wanted to know, and what was there and what was
going on there, and why he had seen a ghost astronaut.
    Cronenberg went over to Orwell, the shuttle
science officer, to see what he had.
    “ Did you get anything on what happened
to the shuttle, and how it came down here?”
    “ A few things! It sure as hell was not
the shuttle itself. I checked records, and also proved it could not
have done what it had. There had to be something else that did
    It surprised him that he was also questioning
what had happened had happened! He also realized Orwell knew that
they were also going to have a problem explaining what had happened
to them. Would they accept what they told them, and if they did not
what would they do about it?
    He could try to get a full investigation, as
they had been nearly killed, and the highly expensive shuttle could
have been destroyed, and it might cost a lot to get it properly
    “ There was a strange magnetic
phenomenon detected … ! ”
Orwell gasped.
    “ I wonder what that could be …” he
asked, confused, copying one of the rescuers investigating it, to
see what he replied with.
    “ Something of incredible magnitude
created a form of powerful magnetic influence, or something of that
    “ What could create such power? It had
to be tremendous! ”
    “ Someone may have been playing around
with something somewhere! I was thinking if it was not from around,
as we have seen, then something could have created it somewhere
else, by some unknown means! ”
    “ Why would they be experimenting on
something out there though? Could it be the southern pole creating
a magnetic influence? ”
    “ How
could it have controlled the shuttle and carried out what it did!”
he moaned, confused. “ Someone may be playing around
with something in this region! ”
    “ Why would they be experimenting on
something out here though? ”
    “ Perhaps

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