The Alien Artifact 8
they’re creating something big
to influence Mars itself!”
    “ In what way?”
    “ They could want to alter Mars!” he
mumbled to himself. “If they could move it close to the sun or use
it to melt all the ice here they might be able to create immense
lakes of water and create an atmosphere. They might be able to
colonize it one day!”
    The idea surprised Cronenberg and he realized
that he might even be suggesting it was a secret government or
group of governments plan, and he considered why it would be so
    “ What are your
assumptions? ” Orwell uttered, breaking the deep silence, seeing him
thinking it over.
    “ I ’ ve not drawn any proper
conclusions! ” he confessed, considering how he could check if it would
work. “ Whatever it is – it has incredible power! We need
more reasonable clues. ”
    “ Even with all our technology, unknown
and unexplained phenomena still exists! Who knows what
exists out there in the depths of space – and even unseen about us – which could very
well be beyond our detection methods and
comprehension. ”
    Some strange thought was going through
Orwell’s mind and he was figuring through possibilities and
Cronenberg could not fully understand why his view of things had so
vastly altered and he wondered what had happened when he was
    He also occasionally had the look of a person
who somehow sensed an oncoming consequence, and was checking ways
to tackle it.
    Had he found something? Or had he dreamed of
scientific finds far too many times?
    “ At any rate, there might be other
mentions of such occurrences on the Earth!” Orwell continued. “Even
if most are antiquated and mythological! For instance there are zones like the Bermuda Triangle! Which was reputed to cause a similar
effect – before ships and planes vanished! There could be
some sort of mass of something around – perhaps a mass of magnetic iron
...! Our detection
methods on Mars and even the Earth may be small, and far smaller
than we think …T he magnetic field of the globe has
been found to have altered in many ways over Earth’s
    Orwell searched his face, wondering what he
thought, and Cronenberg was sure he was thinking of questioning and
getting answers from him.
    “ I have not heard of it properly doing
anything though!” Orwell replied. “Though not altogether
investigated – it is very unlikely to have such an intensity and
nature – even in northern regions ... ”
    “ Okay!” he replied firmly, determined
to force Orwell into giving him something. “It ’ s coming from somewhere and
we all know it exists ... And it will be beneficial to check the
disturbance – which cannot be explained by normal science – and find what
we can on it. ”
    “ I’ll attempt to find out if someone
had something around here, or was using something capable of doing
    “ Did you find anything while I was
away?” he finally replied.
    “ I
checked all the records and found one thing and just before it took control of the shuttle something appeared and
flashed on and off, and was just recorded, which I think was
unintentional, and I took a photo of the unusual formation, which
was buried away in the blur of flickers! ”
    Cronenberg was
surprised when he produced a photo of a complex sphere, which was
clearly artificial and of a highly advanced nature, and he realized
it looked of highly advanced alien origins!

Chapter 8
    The Lost Library
after hours of searching records, Cronenberg entered Base One
library, after being given recommendations to go there, and glared
at vast bookshelves, covering the library walls, as he entered, and
gasped at how empty of people it was.
    It amazed him
that such libraries once were the source of information for the
human race, and as he approached the books it became clear that it
had a great deal of unidentifiable information, and he put it down
to laziness that the stuff had not been added to the computers.

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