Tappin' On Thirty

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Book: Read Tappin' On Thirty for Free Online
Authors: Candice Dow
Buster’s, we immediately ordered drinks. As the circus of people scurried around us, Scooter appeared irritated. He wrapped his arm around me to protect me from the crowd. He whispered in my ear, “You really want to stay here? It’s kind of busy.”
    â€œIt doesn’t matter. I thought you wanted to play pool.”
    â€œI did, but I was having a good time just reminiscing.”
    Feeling that our memories would reconnect us, I blushed. “So, do you want to just reminisce?”
    â€œYeah, let’s just chill. We can grab a movie and go back to your place.”
    As I put the key in my front door, Scooter was so close I could feel his breath on my neck. My stomach felt queasy. I fumbled with the door. Finally, it swung open.
    To calm the intensity rising between us, I quickly turned on the television. Scooter sat on the couch and got comfortable. I went into the kitchen and poured two glasses of wine. I gulped some rapidly before I returned to the living room. When I handed Scooter his drink, I sat Indian style in front of the television. After rummaging through my DVD drawer full of chick flicks, I pulled out Bad Boys II.
    â€œYou want to see this?”
    â€œI don’t care. It’s whatever.”
    I popped in the movie and grabbed the DVD remote. After slipping out of my shoes, I sat beside Scooter. He asked, “Remember we thought we were going to be the Huxtables?”
    I reminded him, “Well, we both stuck to our plans. We’re just not together.”
    â€œYou’re right.”
    I was curious about this female he labeled his girlfriend. Where did he meet her? What did she do for a living? What was her name?
    Instead, I concluded not bringing attention to her would make him not think about her. The movie began and the surround sound blasted through the speakers.
    He looked around. “I could chill in here. You have it hooked up like a guy.”
    â€œWell, I have a lot of movie nights.” I added, “Alone.”
    â€œWhatever, Tay-Bae. You probably have dudes all over you.”
    â€œIt’s not the number of dudes on me. It’s how many I want on me.”
    â€œYeah, it is hard out there. That’s why I—”
    As he was about to acknowledge why he settled down, I cut him off. I laughed hysterically when Martin Lawrence got shot in the behind. “He is so silly.”
    His bottom lip sort of dangled as if he really longed to complete his sentence. I jumped onto conversation that would keep him close to me.
    â€œRemember we used to watch Martin faithfully?”
    â€œYeah that was our show.”
    I nodded. “Yep, every Thursday.”
    â€œWe used to sit on the phone and only talk during commercials.”
    We laughed. Our “remember-when” session continued. Whenever we stumbled onto uncomfortable territory, I would steer us back into our past in hopes to unite us.
    After intoxication conquered my senses, I moved closer to him. He turned to face me. And just as he did at the reunion, he opened his mouth and kissed me. I didn’t resist. I couldn’t resist. I was lost in the moment. My mind fast-forwarded to me walking down the aisle with him. In slow motion, we made love with our mouths and I fantasized about the possibilities with each twirl of the tongue. He backed up and landed a few kisses on my face, then finally on my forehead. He held my face in between his hands. “You asked me a question the other night.”
    Still entranced, I nodded.
    He said, “No.”
    No ? I asked a whole bunch of questions. He smiled and said, “No, I’ve never loved anyone like I love you.”
    Confused as to how I should react to the response that I prayed to God for, I smiled. Then my mind began claiming victory. So, I wrapped my arm around his neck and embraced him tightly. His arms made their way around my lower torso. He lifted my shirt and rubbed my back. “You’re

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