his stomach.
    "Aim for the head!" Sarah turned a full
circle. Others had heard the gunshot and were now on their way.
    She shook the man's shoulder. "We have to go
now. More are coming." She tried to get him to stand, but he looked
at her then back at his injuries.
    He held his daughter against him, covering
her ears as best he could. "I'm not going to make it and I don't
want to put her at risk. Please take care of her. Please." He
stroked the child's back and begged Sarah with his eyes. Sarah
stifled a sob and nodded. "That's Janine." His chin pointed at the
woman he had left to hold his daughter one last time. And I'm Paul.
Campisi. Please help her to remember us." Tears fell quietly down
his face. Sarah nodded again and he brushed the tears aside.
    Dana fired three shots at the approaching
dead. Time was running out, but she thought they could give him a
few seconds more with his daughter.
    "Maggie? Maggie, look at me, honey." He
gently moved his child so she could see his face. "Your mommy and I
love you very much." Sarah didn't know how he found the strength,
but he held back the tears as he looked at his daughter for the
last time. "But you have to go with . . . ." He looked up.
    "Sarah. That's my sister, Dana."
    He turned back to Maggie. "Sarah and Dana
are going to take good care of you and make sure you're safe."
    "No! I want to stay with you and mommy." The
girl wailed and wrapped her arms around her father's neck.
    "I know, sweetie, I know. I want you to be
with us, too. But . . ." He caught his breath and held back his own
sob. "You need to go with Sarah." Tears fell then as he hugged
Maggie one last time.
    "We have to go! Now!" Dana shouted. She
fired another couple of shots, but there were more zombies ambling
toward them than they had bullets.
    Sarah moved quickly, taking a struggling
Maggie from her father's arms. "We'll take care of her, Paul. I
promise you." She pressed the curly brown head against her chest
and ran for the SUV with Dana on her heels.
    Another kid ran past her and she shouted for
Dana. Her sister turned just in time to grab him by the shirt. He
clawed at her, yelling that a zombie had him. He kicked her shin,
and punched her in the stomach, but she held on.
    "Kid! Hey, kid! I'm not a zombie. Stop
fighting me or we're both gonna get dead." He finally stopped
struggling and looked at her. His wide chocolate eyes were filled
with fear as he took in the horde nearly surrounding them.
    Dana turned him around and pointed. "See
that black SUV there at the curb? Run and open the back door and
climb inside. We're right behind you." His eyes took in Sarah and
Maggie. Sarah had to give him credit. He didn't even hesitate. He
just took off running.
    The stench from so many decaying bodies made
Sarah gag. Her eyes watered. She could barely see to make it to the
vehicle as the boy disappeared inside. He tossed the blankets into
the cargo area, leaned out, and helped Sarah get Maggie in the back
seat, while Dana went around to the front passenger side. Dana
fired off two more rounds while Sarah dispatched what once appeared
to be a fireman, but now was missing both arms—one ripped from the
shoulder and the other at the elbow. Bones, muscle, and tissue hung
from the stumps.
    Sarah jumped in beside Maggie, slamming the
door. The locks clicked into place as Meredith drove through the
mass of corpses. She tried to block out the sounds of flesh rending
and bones crunching. Maggie pressed herself against Sarah. The boy
moved closer to them and she put an arm around him as well. Other
than everyone's rapid breathing, no one uttered a sound until they
were clear of the mob.
    A few street lights still burned and Sarah
took a minute to assess the boy. His creamy mocha complexion was
clear and he breathed easier than he had been. His clothes were
splattered with blood, but not enough for her to think he had been
bitten. When he realized he was under scrutiny, and had pressed
himself against her, he backed away to

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