Starting from Scratch
day they had all spent together at the beach. Wayne
was seven and played in the surf with his dad all morning. Sherry
had looked sexy as hell in a new two-piece swimsuit, which resulted
in a passionate evening, after Wayne had been put to bed. It was
one of his fondest memories of them all together as a family. It
was how life was meant to be enjoyed.
    Bambi, you sure picked a great file for me.
    Yes, I know how much that memory meant to you. I
felt it would be easier for you to find a doorway to your
potential, by drawing you in through a pleasant memory file. Now
that you are in, let me highlight a few other files. As you look in
them, you should begin to grasp how to browse without my help.
    As I’ve said before, you need to practice. The more
you do, the better you’ll get.
    For the next two hours, she took him to files that
offered him the opportunity to realize how extraordinary his mind’s
capability really was.
    Suddenly he blurted out, “I’m starving to death. I
need to eat.”
    Yes, that’s one of the drawbacks to using your
upgrade. It drains your body’s resources and warns you of the need
to replenish, before you begin to slow down. I can’t be sure, just
yet, but I think the more you learn how to best use what you have,
you will build stamina and last a lot longer, before you begin to
    “Is this a problem for the Saurans, too?”
    Yes, but they’ve been dealing with their abilities
for many generations. However, they do tire. From what I’ve
observed in the mediocre crews on board the Mother Ship, they don’t
seem to work at it, because they are never challenged. It’s been so
long since they had to use everything they had, they don’t bother
to maintain it at their full capability.
    While it may not give you the huge edge you need, it
could play a small part in giving you some hope. Now go eat.
    Max, Wayne and Mike ate together in Max’s room. They
chatted about their new abilities and each of them confessed that
he felt intimidated by the volume of capabilities they had with a
mere thought.
    His son admitted, “It’s not that I’m actually afraid
of it. It’s just that it’s vast and there is so much to learn. But,
I’ve got to tell you, I definitely learn faster and, depending what
I’m working on, once I play with it, it sails along quickly.”
    Max looked at Wayne and added, “Yeah, me too. I’ve
also noticed that after working with a new set of files, I can
retrieve the info with ease and utilize the contents, without
concern that I’m doing it wrong. I can see were this gives the user
a distinct advantage over a non-user.”
    The old General cast a glance at Mike, as he asked,
“How about you?”
    “Same. To tell you the truth, I’m a little
embarrassed by the ease of use, once you get the hang of it. But,
I’ve got to agree with Wayne. The size of what is available to me
is daunting. Bambi tells me that it will get easier for everyone,
as they work on it. We need to keep that in mind, as the newbies
come on board. We have to insist that they work with their new
mental abilities.”
    He shoved a spaghetti blob into his mouth and became
    “Gentlemen, we are going to have to trust the
Americans almost completely. And we’re going to tell them that. I
think we’ll bring them two fabricators, one small and one large.
They need to see for themselves what some of this remarkable
technology can do. Of course it will only manufacture what we’ve
already programmed it for. There’s no sense in having it make solid
gold ID badges for congressmen.”
    “We’ll ask them to devote the fabricators use to
building items that will aid in the defense of the solar system.
The idea of defending just the planet is foolish. Hell, if we can’t
defend the solar system, then the Earth doesn’t stand a
    Max agreed immediately. “I think that’s the only way
we can hope to create a viable chance at victory. If we can make
the enemy spread

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