Starting from Scratch
getting used to their repaired and slightly younger
bodies. Most of them watched with rapt attention, as Mary’s face
explained the new facts of life, regarding what had been done for
    They found her in one room, speaking with a few men
and women, who were obviously the scientists they had kidnapped.
She was apologizing for the unfortunate way in which they had been
captured and assured them they were safe and would have the option
of returning home or sticking around for further improvements to
their bodies and minds.
    Mike watched from the sidelines, as Mary answered the
anticipated questions, some of which were quite hostile. Finally, a
woman noticed him, angrily pointed his way and shocked him by
asking, “Is that the son-of-a-bitch who runs this cluster fuck. I
want to talk with him.”
    Saving Mary the necessity of a response, he strolled
into the room and announced, “Mike Hurst, ma’am, how can I help
    “What gives you the right to kidnap us? Who the hell
do you think you are? When we report this, you’re going to be in
real trouble.”
    Several of the scientists looked concerned at the
woman’s brazen assault on Mike.
    Bambi, open a screen and show these people where we
    When one entire wall lit up and the view of outer
space appeared, there were oohs and aaws from most of them.
    After ten or fifteen seconds, the lady dove right
back at Mike. “Listen buster, tricks like this might fool the
average person, but most of us aren’t so easily hornswaggled.”
    Bambi, take the gravity down to one tenth of Earth,
but just in this ward.
    People began to yell and curse, as some of them lost
there balance and went down to the deck, although not hard.
    He stared at the lady, who looked a little more
concerned, as she said, “All right; that’s a nice trick and I admit
I’m interested as to how you did that.”
    Mike gave her his best smile and told her, “Ma’am, I
have no idea. I’m a military guy, not physicist.”
    Then he slowly walked toward her, as he extended his
hand. “I’m Mike Hurst, Ma’am. May I have the pleasure of knowing to
whom I am speaking?”
    The woman seemed thrown off by his weak attempt at
charm, but not for long. She straightened her back, threw her chest
out and defiantly told him, “I am Dr. Elizabeth Fulwiler and I’m
not about to shake the hand of the man responsible for kidnapping
    “Dr. Fulwiler, did you pay any attention at all to
the video?”
    “I’m not going to be brain washed by you and your
fancy equipment, Mr. Hurst.”
    Mary corrected the woman. “Actually Doctor, it’s
General Hurst.”
    The woman gave Mary an angry glare and told her,
“Listen sweetie, I’m not impressed with titles, just results. And
this guy hasn’t done anything to impress me.”
    Mike had always had a short temper, especially where
arrogant type A personalities were concerned.
    “Mary, put this woman in stasis and ship her back to
the planet. She’s to damn full of herself to be of any use to the
people of Earth.”
    He turned around and began to leave. Mary ran after
him, saying, “Mike, she’s one of the most promising scientists of
the group. We really need her. She’s a brilliant physicist.”
    He spun on Mary and whispered loudly, “Oh no we don’t
need her. I’ve seen far too many extremely bright Generals who
fucked up every mission they were involved with, because they were
more interested having people kiss their ass than getting the job
done. I’ll put up with a lot, but not someone who puts her sense of
grandeur above the lives of the human race.”
    No one missed his words, although he had seemed to
whisper them. He stormed out, leaving the newbies with their mouths
    As he angrily marched down the passageway, Mary
commed him. The woman was frightened, Mike. Some people react to
that with anger. Please allow me to address the situation with her,
once she’s calmed down. I’m convinced that once she gets a good
grasp of the truth,

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