Star Wars: Jedi Prince 4: Mission from Mount Yoda
carbonite was now on a thick platform, directly below the deadly neutron furnace that powered the cube-shaped space station. Trioculus’s face stuck out of the block, covered with a thick film of carbonite, looking as though he had been sculpted in black marble.
    Kadann had given Trioculus his dark blessing to rule the Empire. With help from Grand Moff Hissa, Trioculus had fulfilled Kadann’s prophecy about the new Imperial leader: After Palpatine’s fiery death
    Another leader soon comes to command the Empire
    And on his right hand he does wear
    The glove of Darth Vader!
    Kadann gazed deeply at the frozen face of Trioculus. It was no longer the face of the confident and brash liar who had once visited Kadann to prove that he wore the indestructible symbol of Imperial might-the right-hand glove of Darth Vader. It was now a twisted, burned, and tormented face-the face of a failure who had never measured up to his dark mission, and a disgrace to the Empire. Trioculus had failed to locate the Lost City of the Jedi-or the young Jedi Prince who was raised in the Lost City by Jedi caretaker droids.
    Kadann sneered, knowing that the fateful end of Trioculus was close at hand.
    Kadann hobbled over to the trigger that was to blast the carbonite block with deadly rays from the neutron furnace. The black-bearded dwarf shook his head in disgust, then touched the trigger.
    The scorching heat of four fiery neutron beams struck the carbonite block from all sides.
    The carbonite blistered, buckled, turned white-hot, and then, as the Prophets of the Dark Side shielded their eyes from the blast of intense light, the block completely vaporized.
    When Kadann released his fingertip from the trigger of the neutron beam, there was nothing left of the block at all. Not even a trace of it remained on the platform.
    Kadann turned to Prophet Gornash, the massive prophet who towered alongside him.
    "It’s done," Kadann declared.
    "But the glove," Prophet Gornash objected. "The glove of Darth Vader is indestructible.
    Why isn’t the glove still on the platform?"
    Kadann’s smile didn’t fade. "You call yourself a prophet, Gornash, and yet you cannot answer such an obvious question?"
    "Regretfully, Kadann, the answer truly eludes me," Gornash replied, raising his brows quizzically. "Unless, perhaps, we have just vaporized someone else, not Trioculus."
    "But for that to be the case, I would have to be mistaken," Kadann said. "And in this universe, Gornash, all things are possible, except one. And what may that one thing be?
    Say it, prove that I have taught you well."
    "It’s impossible that you could ever be mistaken, all-seeing, all-knowing Supreme Prophet of the Dark Side!" Gornash replied, bravely glancing at the stem face of Kadann.
    Kadann nodded slowly. "You are correct. Have no doubt that Trioculus has been destroyed.
    But the glove-the glove still exists. In fact, the day Trioculus removed it, it was already on its way to me here, thanks to the efficient work of High Prophet Jedgar and my secret team of Imperial intelligence agents."
    Kadann unlocked one of his thousands of display cases in Space Station Scardia and removed a delicately carved black box made of onyx. He lifted the lid and revealed the glove of Darth Vader! "Behold!" Kadann declared triumphantly. "No greater symbol of darkness was ever made than this glove -- the gauntlet that once covered Darth Vader’s right hand. When it caused Trioculus to go blind because of his unworthiness, he removed it and began to wear a replica of the glove -- one that was a fake, just like Trioculus himself. And now that he’s been vaporized, may that liar and impostor never rest in peace!"
    The Millennium Falcon came out of hyperdrive and circled back toward the planet Duro, zigzagging its way as it approached one of the six huge shipyards orbiting the gray planet. The Falcon was almost out of control.
    The cooling system was leaking fluid into the cargo bay,

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