Star Wars: Jedi Prince 4: Mission from Mount Yoda
causing a small flood.
    KABUM . . . KABUM ... KABUM . .
    And the Falcon’s melted missile tubes rattled against one another, weakening their bearings.
    "This ship is in sorry shape," Princess Leia lamented, as Han Solo slowed the spacecraft to approach a shipyard docking bay.
    "No need to despair, Princess," Han replied. "The Duro mechanics at these shipyards are the best in the galaxy. They’ll have the Falcon repaired in no time."
    "Growwwrrr-rooowf!" Chewbacca barked.
    "I’m afraid you’re right, Chewie," Han said. "They’ll have it repaired if they have the spare parts we need. If not, we could be laid up for weeks."
    Despite the flood in the cargo bay, Han and Chewbacca managed to navigate the spaceship to Orbiting Shipyard Alpha-a shipyard circling Duro in a wide, oval orbit about a hundred miles above the planet’s atmosphere.
    A Duro mechanic at the shipyard quickly looked the Millennium Falcon over and told Han what the estimated bill would be for repairing it. All Han could say was, "Ouch!"
    The Imperial attack from Grand Moff Hissa’s strike cruiser had done more damage than anyone aboard the Falcon had expected. The replacement list included a brand new passive sensor antenna, a rebuilt Carbanti 29L electromagnetic package, a new acceleration compensator, extensive repairs to the ion flux stabilizer, and even a new floor for the flood-damaged cargo bay.
    "A lot of bad news for one day, Han," Luke said, as Han paced back and forth nervously.
    "The Millennium Falcon is like a member of your family."
    "Tell me about it," Han said with dismay.
    "It’s all my fault," Ken said.
    "Owwwwwooooooo!" Chewbacca howled, moaning as if he’d just stepped on a thick avabush thorn. But it was a moan of sorrow, not pain.
    The shipyard sent a sales representative to talk to Han about the situation.
    "The bottom line here, Mr. Solo," said the salesman, "is that it’ll be less expensive to scrap the Millennium Falcon and buy a new spaceship, than it would be to repair it. Now this shipyard can offer you a trade-in on a new model Carbanti DeLuxe with a supercharged hyperdrive unit. Or we could even give you a great deal on a Novaldex Space Warper, with six months guarantee in the case of any Imperial attacks. It’s up to you!"
    Han suddenly got a splitting headache. "No deal," he said. "I want my Falcon back in one piece. She might be just a hunk of tin to you, but the Millennium Falcon means as much to me as Luke’s droids here mean to him. You don’t think Luke would trash See-Threepio and Artoo-Detoo just because they’ve got a few scratches and dents on them, do you?"
    "You tell him, sir!" See-Threepio added, turning to the salesman. "We aren’t interested in your new spaceships, and that’s final!"
    "I’m sure Mon Mothma will agree that the Alliance should pick up the tab for the repairs, Han," Leia said confidently. "After all, we made this flight at SPIN’s request."
    "Fix it," Han declared to the salesman.
    While the Millennium Falcon was raised up on a huge rack in the repair bay, Princess Leia and Han Solo went to the rental agency in another warehouse in Shipyard Alpha and leased a Corellian Action VI Transport, so they could continue their mission.
    As soon as the lease papers were signed, they blasted off from the orbiting shipyard and headed toward Duro. Luke, Leia, and Ken sat in the second tier of seats behind Han and Chewbacca in the navigation console, with Threepio and Artoo beside them.
    "No wonder almost all the aliens on Duro got passports to live on other worlds," Princess Leia said, staring through the window down at the pockmarked gray planet. "There must be thousands of hazardous waste pits and toxic chemical landfills down there."
    "Tzzzn-gleEEEch chbziiit-tlooog!" beeped Artoo-Detoo. The barrel-shaped droid suddenly projected a map.
    "Look, Master Luke," Threepio said.
    "Artoo must have fixed the glitch in Dustini’s data disc," Princess Leia explained. "He’s showing us the rest of the

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