Star Wars: Jedi Prince 4: Mission from Mount Yoda
    The map showed a valley surrounded by a thick wall, with mountains beyond. The sound of Dustini’s voice came from the data disc.
    "We’re seeing a schematic drawing of the Valley of Royalty on Duro," Threepio translated.
    "The wall has prevented unwelcome creatures from entering the valley for thousands of years. Now we’re seeing beneath the valley, underground-ancient catacombs, caverns, and tunnels-all secret and unknown to the Empire."
    The hologram then changed to an image of a Duro spaceship landing in the mountains near the valley. The spaceship touched down in a concealed flat region beneath the shelter of overhanging cliffs. Suddenly, a small part of the mountain glowed red.
    "The red area is a hidden doorway," Threepio continued. "It’s an entrance that leads down into the mountain-a tunnel beneath the wall that surrounds the Valley of Royalty. It leads to the caverns where the Duro archaeologists are hiding while they gather the treasures of their planet."
    All eyes in the spacecraft continued to stare at the hologram, as the view changed once again. This time a building was revealed in the Valley of Royalty, not far from some ancient monuments. "That’s the new Imperial Reprogramming Institute," Threepio said,
    "where the Empire sends its most dangerous prisoners."
    Just then the hologram soundtrack stuck, repeating the following words in Durese:
    "Ghinish-vik-Triclops ... Ghinish-vik-Triclops . ."
    "That building is where the Empire is keeping Triclops prisoner," Threepio explained.
    "Don’t you mean Trioculus?" Princess Leia asked, knitting her brows.
    "No, he definitely said Triclops," Threepio replied.
    "Well, who is Triclops?" Luke asked.
    "I know," said Ken. "I probably should have told you sooner, Luke, but Dee-Jay, my caretaker droid, said it would be dangerous to talk about Triclops to anyone-even to you.
    Triclops is the deepest, darkest secret of the Empire. The only Imperials who know of his existence are the most powerful members of the Imperial ruling class, such as the grand moffs."
    "Then how do you know he exists, Ken?" a very puzzled Princess Leia asked.
    "From the master computer files in the Jedi Library-in the Lost City of the Jedi. I was never allowed to see the whole file on Triclops," Ken explained, "but from what I did see, I learned that Triclops, like his name implies, has three eyes, just like Trioculus. And it is Triclops, not Trioculus, who is the real son of the evil Emperor who used to rule the galaxy with Darth Vader-Emperor Palpatine."
    Ken told all he knew, as everyone listened to him with undivided attention. "The grand moffs refuse to admit officially that Triclops exists. They believe he’s insane, and they’re terrified that if he’s ever set free, he might take over as ruler of the Empire, and destroy everything in the galaxy, including them! And yet, despite this danger, for some strange reason I don’t understand, they still keep him alive!"
    Under heavy cloud cover, the Corellian Action VI Transport began to descend.
    "Thank your lucky stars that this freighter is a Corellian ship," Han said with satisfaction. "When I noticed this big brown knob over here on the master control board, it clinched the rental deal for me. Know what this doohickey does?"
    "Is that for bailing out if we’re going to crash?" Luke asked with a smile.
    "I know what it’s for," Ken said, his eyes bright and alert. "It’s a Forbes CC-Y Antiradar Defense Unit."
    "Bright kid," Han said with a sigh, shaking his head. "Did you also pick that up at the Jedi Library in the Lost City?"
    "Of course," Ken replied. "Dee-Jay taught a special class in stealth systems."
    Han pushed on the brown knob as he guided the Action VI Transport down toward the mountains. "I’m sure Dee-Jay probably taught you that this CC-Y unit makes us invisible to Imperial radar," Han continued. "Without it we’d look as big as a star dragon on enemy radar screens."
    As they came in for their landing,

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