Sex Crimes

Read Sex Crimes for Free Online

Book: Read Sex Crimes for Free Online
Authors: Nikki McWatters
Tags: Fiction, Suspense, Psychological, Thrillers, Retail
sullied my Elizabeth? Taken advantage of her youth and naivety.
    I was getting warmer. I had something to go on. And that day I decided that whoever it was, was not going to get away with it lightly! I decided that I would confront Elizabeth about the night of the concert and gauge her reaction. If she gave me a name. If she gave me the name of a man and not a school-boy, I would go straight to the police.  Because that sort of thing is perverse and dangerous. One way or another the responsible male would be held accountable.

    Sally Proudfoot
    ‘You take a seat, right there, right now, young lady,’ I said firmly when Abbie waltzed through the front doors, without a care in the world.
    ‘What’s your drama now, Ma?’ she drawled at me with a kind of smirk.
    ‘You, Libby O’Neil and that band, Drop Dead Gorgeous . How’s that for starters?’
    That got her attention.
    ‘You will sit down and answer my questions. Now. Honestly. I want the whole truth,’ I said.
    I was angry. Not as angry as that uptight O’Neil woman. But in fairness she had more to be upset about. What a stupid girl not to have known that unprotected sex leads to pregnancy which leads to babies and then it’s all down-hill after that, which is why once was enough for me. I was a wild child and was getting up to mischief at the age of sixteen. I know it’s just natural to push boundaries but I did not want my daughter’s name being dragged down with Libby’s.
    ‘You lied to me that night and said you were staying at the O’Neil place. I want to know where you spent the night.’
    Abbie was nervous. Her eyes would not meet mine and her hands were twisting into the pockets of her school uniform.
    ‘Just partying. You know, just kicking back. We just didn’t want to have to get picked up and go straight home after the gig,’ Abigail said, trying to sound cool but the fidgeting gave away her nerves.
    ‘Partying with whom exactly?’ I stayed standing, looking down at her as she sat on the edge of the sofa.
    ‘Um…we got invited to a party at some hotel. I don’t remember what it was called. Somewhere in the city,’ she said sullenly, not looking me in the eye.
    ‘Oh…Jesus, Abbie. Don’t make this so hard. Just tell me who the hell got Libby O’Neil pregnant.’
    Her face shot up toward me, surprised that I knew and then she softened again and she just shrugged. The lamest most unconvincing shrug I’ve ever seen.
    ‘And you? Are you running around pulling your knickers down for every Tom, Dick and Harry?’ I glared hard.
    ‘Nope,’ she shook her head, veiling her lies beneath a curtain of blonde curls.
    ‘Really? Because one would hope you were on the pill if you are. I’m not stupid, Abbie. I know what goes on.’
    ‘I’m sure you do, Mother,’ she seethed up at me. ‘You’re the prize whore of Vaucluse.’
    ‘I beg your pardon?’ I winced.
    ‘It’s true and you know it. Libby’s no slut. Not like you who’d done every polo team in the country before you were twenty-one. Don’t be so quick to judge. You don’t have all the facts.’
    Where had this attitude come from? She was being a right bolshy little bitch.
    ‘Well, that’s what I’m asking for. Facts. And I am not a slut…that’s not true and anyway, I’m not condemning natural sexual urges. I’m no uptight prude, Abbie. Sex is not unhealthy, it’s just that you’ve got to be responsible about it and in Libby’s case at least, that’s clearly not happening. You’re playing with fire you girls.’
    I wasn’t getting anywhere with her. I’d put her on edge and set us up as enemies. So, I altered my approach and sat down beside her, patting her on the knee.
    ‘You’re a beautiful young woman, Abbie honey, and boys will be falling head over heels for you but you’ve got to call the shots and you’ve got to realise that sex is power and it can be used in your favour or against you. Do you see what I’m saying? Be clever with your

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