Sex Crimes

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Book: Read Sex Crimes for Free Online
Authors: Nikki McWatters
Tags: Fiction, Suspense, Psychological, Thrillers, Retail
    The last thing I wanted was to confuse the girl about sex. People like the O’Neil’s strike me as being completely hung up about such things. Which is probably why the girl was stupid enough to fall pregnant. I have always been very open with Abbie, telling her anything she needed to know but I was always careful to remind her of the responsibilities that come with being sexually active.
    ‘Yeah, well you’ve put yours to good use,’ she snapped at me and waved her hand around. ‘Got you a nice big house and a nice Jag and wall-to-wall cosmetic slap-ups…’
    ‘Don’t be catty, love,’ I smiled. ‘It’s ugly and really…no one loves a bitch.’
    She met my eyes and looked hard into them. I saw my scared little girl in there somewhere.
    ‘I can’t tell you Mum,’ she whimpered. ‘Libby’d kill me. Really. She’s my best friend.’
    I sighed and patted my hands on my white Sass and Bide jeans.
    ‘Well, her mother came here today and she saw that photo you’ve got as a screen saver and now she’s got the scent of blood…she’s going after that band, Drop Dead Gorgeous .’
    ‘What?’ Abbie screamed and jumped up, her school bag clattering to the floor. ‘You snooped in my computer? Are you for real? How dare you. How fucking dare you!’
    ‘Abbie,’ I reached up to her. ‘Calm down.’
    Her bitterness stung me. She was hysterical, really heated up.
    ‘No! Goddamn it, Mum! You have no idea. You will fuck everything up. Just butt out, okay?’ she was crying, streaky tears making their way over her creamy peach cheeks. ‘I’ve got to warn Libby. Shit!’
    I felt stupid and helpless as I watched her run upstairs like a hot-headed bull. Slamming doors and more cursing. She was back within minutes and I was pouring myself a tall vodka and soda with a twist of lime. She was dressed in jeans and a tight pale blue sweater. Purple Converse sneakers. She had her laptop bag and gave me a curt nod as she headed out the door.
    ‘Don’t expect me back til late and don’t keep calling my phone.’
    When did my little princess grow up to be such a defiant young woman? She reminded me so much of myself when I was her age. The difference was that she had all the fine things now that I never had. And that was because of all the sacrifices I made for her. Sometimes she was so ungrateful.
    I let the vodka warm my blood and sighed. To be perfectly honest, I was just so grateful it wasn’t my daughter who got knocked up. That would have been a horrible inconvenience. I’m quite happy to never add Grandmother to my list of achievements.
    I couldn’t help but wonder about those boys in the band. They were very hot and I wouldn’t blame a teenage girl for throwing herself at those musicians, particularly the very drop dead gorgeous, Chris Bergin. If I was a few years younger….well, actually, I looked across to the mirror-tiled wall, I’d still pass as a thirty-something. Guys like Bergin were not altogether unattainable for a slick cougar like me. Looking at those photos of the girls with the famous rock-star had actually made me a little bit jealous. If I’m completely honest.

    Chris Bergin
    You know you really appreciate home after a long tour. I was tired. Just kind of burnt out and I really wasn’t sure that I’d want to do another international tour. It had been a long time to be away from Meg and Olive and with a new bub on the horizon, I was starting to think that I was getting too old and settled for that type of lifestyle. Recording was one thing and maybe a benefit concert now and again to keep that energy up but the other guys were also starting to settle and create families and it wasn’t like I wanted to end up like Mick Jagger. He’s great and all but he’s past it and it just begins to get tacky, if you know what I mean.
    The constant turnstile of hotel doors becomes stale after about a week.  After three months, it’s mind numbingly dull. They all look the

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