Serving the Soldier - Part 4 (An Alpha Military Romance)

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Book: Read Serving the Soldier - Part 4 (An Alpha Military Romance) for Free Online
Authors: Helen Grey
was stopping, unless it was to rest up a bit, perhaps use the bathroom.
    Actually, that didn't sound like such a bad idea. I had left the house so suddenly, I hadn't had a chance to go to the bathroom, but there is no way I was going to get out of the car and have him see me.
    I slowed down and pulled into a gas station opposite the diner. Although I didn't need any gas, I pulled up on the far side of the pumps and watched as Jax steered the gray sedan to the far side of the parking lot. For several moments, he didn't get out, but then I saw the driver’s door open. He got out stiffly. Serves him right .
    He glanced around in all directions and I ducked lower in my car seat, hoping that he didn't recognize my car sitting at the pumps across the road. Apparently he didn't, because several moments later, he moved slowly toward the entrance of the restaurant.
    The minute he disappeared inside, I pulled my car away from the pumps, waited for a break in traffic—which didn't take long considering the rural area—and then I pulled into the opposite end of the diner parking lot. I waited for him to reappear, thinking I really had to pee. The more I thought about it, the worse it got. I tried to shove my base need out of my mind as I silently waited for Jax to finally emerge, perhaps with a cup of coffee, or something.
    After five minutes passed, I began to grow frustrated. Could he possibly have stopped for something to eat? I didn't think so, but then again, his appetite, sexually and food wise, seemed insatiable.
    I made a face and squirmed in my seat, pressing my legs together. I suppose I could've gone back to the gas station across the street and used their bathroom, but I didn't want to take a chance on missing him.
    I sighed and asked myself for the hundredth time why I was following him in the first place. What in heaven's name did I hope to accomplish? The bottom line was that I was spying on him and I had no real clear idea why.
    I’d contemplated leaving when movement at the front glass door of the diner caught my attention. My heart skipped a beat when I saw Jax emerge, but he wasn't alone. He was holding the door open for a woman dressed in jeans, a loose flowing maroon silky top. I looked closer. She was wearing a headscarf. A headscarf like Muslim women wore. It was dark blue, and draped loosely over her head and her neck, but not covering any part of her face.
    I stared. What the hell was Jax doing with a Muslim woman, and out here in the middle of nowhere, of all places? Was he taking her to Fort Jackson? My heart skipped a beat. Was he dating her? What was he doing with her?
    He didn't touch her as he directed her toward his car. He opened the passenger side door for her and she climbed in. Then, once again, Jax looked in all directions. For a second, I thought he would surely spot and recognize my car, but there were several cars between mine and the other end of the parking lot. I was parked beneath the shade of several trees. Still, I quickly leaned sideways over the passenger seat so he wouldn't see anyone in the car. I waited for several moments, my heart pounding, and then I carefully lifted my head.
    The gray sedan had begun to back out of its parking space. I ducked down again, counted to five, and then looked again, this time reaching for the ignition. He was pulling out of the parking lot and turning down the interstate in the same direction we had come from. So he wasn’t going to Fort Jackson after all. My instinct had been right. I turned the ignition, backed my car out, and slowly made my way through the parking lot, keeping my eye on the gray sedan. I waited until he was about one hundred yards or so ahead, and then pulled onto the highway after him, allowing two cars to get between us.
    What the hell was he up to? Another sexual rendezvous? I doubted it, but didn’t know for sure. Why would he drive all the way up here just to pick her up? Why not just have her come down to the house like the

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