Serving the Soldier - Part 4 (An Alpha Military Romance)

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Book: Read Serving the Soldier - Part 4 (An Alpha Military Romance) for Free Online
Authors: Helen Grey
Swede had? I didn't think this was a sexual rendezvous, but my curiosity had gone up more than a couple of notches.
    As I followed Jax and the woman south along the interstate, I realized that I was not only surprised, but rather shocked, and yes, I finally admitted it to myself, jealous.
    I had no idea what Jax was up to. Could this woman have anything to do with the charge against him? Was she a spy? Was he?
    I had no idea. I realized I was stereotyping her, which was a terrible thing to do. At the same time, I kept seeing that piece of paper— consorting with the enemy — and in my musings, I began to think the worst.
    The more I tried to convince myself that I was allowing my imagination to run away with me, the more I became convinced that something was going on. In my mind, there was no reason for Jax to meet any woman along the interstate in the middle of South Carolina. Did she have something to do with his squadron? Did it have something to do with the men chasing him?
    Then again, if it was a meeting between two lovers, who was the fool? Me. I allowed the ugly green monster to rise within me. The Swede? I hadn't seen her since that first time. Stephanie I could understand, sort of. She was his ex-wife. But this woman? It just didn't make sense.
    I was so caught up in my musings that I suddenly realized that I had lost sight of the gray sedan. Shit! Jax might've taken an off ramp and I never even noticed. I sped up a bit, hoping that maybe I could catch up to them, but that proved fruitless.
    I sighed and realized that I needed to just head back to his house. My imagination was running wild. Why the hell did I care? What difference did it make to me who Jax ran around with, had sex with, or met with? Certainly not me. No. Once again, I realized that I had been nothing but a fool. I was a jealous fool. I decided that tonight, once and for all, I would put an end to it.
    I drove south on the interstate, heading back to Hilton Head Island. I realized that in order to protect myself from getting hurt anymore—to be more than a sex toy, a distraction for Jax—that I would have to give him my notice. I didn't want to, and I dreaded doing it, but for my own sake, I realized that it was the only logical and rational thing for me to do.
    Just look at me. I had followed him, like a crazy stalker chick. I still couldn’t figure that one out, but one thing I did realize. I was behaving erratically, and I had never done so before. No. This had to stop. It was time to leave.

Chapter 4
    I drove back to Jax’s house, distracted, my mind spinning with so many musings I didn't realize until a horn blared behind me that I was startled back into full awareness. I quickly glanced down at the speedometer and saw that I was driving fifteen miles under the speed limit. The car that had blasted its horn at me pulled around to pass. I glanced at the driver and saw him give me the finger. I made a face and shook my head.
    Paying more attention now, I traveled the interstate back toward Hilton Head, continuing to berate myself.
    What the hell had I been thinking?
    It seemed to me that I had been asking myself that a lot lately, but it was true. Sleeping with a patient. Snooping through his things. Now this… following him!
    What business was it of mine? What had I hoped to accomplish? To make sure he'd gotten there okay? That was stupid. If he had fatigued while driving, I'm sure he had enough brains to pull off to the side of the road and rest. Just like I assumed he'd done at the diner.
    What gave me the right to spy on Jax? I swore. Nothing. Absolutely nothing gave me the right. There was no commitment between us other than that of a nurse and her patient. I was in way over my head. I felt like I was drowning, searching for something to keep my head above water.
    The problem was, the only thing that I felt was my life raft was fast becoming the object of an obsession for me. I couldn't believe I had allowed things to go this far. I

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