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Book: Read SecretDom for Free Online
perverse, but for passion and love to be nurtured and to flourish. Single Doms and subs are not welcome here, only those who are permanently attached. The couple you were watching has been married for 12 years and is more in love today than they were the day they married. Each couple here is proof that true love and soul mates do exist, that fairy tales and love stories still happen, even today.”
    Evan stopped just before another couple and pulled her into his side, whispering low. The woman was bound to a St. Andrew’s cross, while her Dom wielded soft, worn lambskin cat-o-nines in a tribal rhythm up and down her body with firm flicks of his wrists. She looked more asleep than anything else, but Evan’s explanation helped Rissa understand more about the scene she was fortunate enough to be allowed to observe.
    “His name is Timothy, and that’s his wife , Janice. They lost their five week old baby to SIDS a couple of months ago. He isn’t hurting her of course, they’ve just found it’s the only way either of them can get away from their pain and let their minds and hearts rest. For him, it gives him back a sense of control over his world, and believe me, that woman is his entire world. For her, the steady rhythm gives her consistency, certainty. She looks at peace because she is.” He stood and with a firm hand at her lower back, escorted her back over to the bar. “Everyone here is here for a reason. They’ve found something here that they need to complete themselves, or heal. We’ve all become a sort of family.”
    Not normally one to be left speechless, Rissa didn’t know what to say. The Doms she’ d known in the past dominated sexually, focused on carnal pleasure, but Evan seemed to be concerned with far more than just sexual satisfaction. To submit physically is to be free of the conventional norms and stresses of the day, but to submit more than just your body — your heart, your soul — what this man before her offered was more than just physical pleasure and freedom but total soaring, being completely and utterly free of EVERYTHING. Wait, no — he offered more than just freedom — he was giving her the chance to be whole again. That thought in and of itself was an unparalleled aphrodisiac.
    In the split second it took her to realize what submitting to this man could mean, she realized how empty she’ d been in denying a side of herself that she’d only just learned to accept and embrace so many years ago. How much it had hurt to have the man she ’d loved be unable and worse, unwilling, to accept all of who she really was, and how desperately she’d desired nothing more than to have someone accept her unconditionally. When Deacon had discovered her desire to be dominated — to be told what to do; restrained, bound, even hurt a little —he’d been disgusted. He’d told her it made her weak if she needed someone to dominate her, made her a doormat to be walked on. He’d been clear tha t liking a little pain made her a freak, and so she’d tamped down those desires, l ocked up that side of her, but those words had always resonated in her mind every time he left their bed satisfied, leaving her unfulfilled.

Sure, Evan was beyond wealthy, a nd she knew she’d be well taken care of, but what suddenly made her belly flip and every nerve in her body light up with anticipation and excitement was knowing that he would not only accept her submissive nature, but nurture it. He would help her to grow, to love herself, and one day, to love another again. The annoying but usually right little voice in her head moved into her heart and suggested that maybe the man she’d love would be him.
    A spark ran up her spine as she realized his hand never left the small of her back, and the deep velvet tenor in his voice cut through the fog of her own thoughts. The warmth of his breath against her neck as he whispered in her ear gave her chills, but his words made her insides flutter. Her nipples hardened to

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