Scarred Asphalt
father; she thought
his role in club life gave her some sort of status.
    But try telling her that.
    It didn’t go over so well.
    “You don’t miss me, Gabby. You miss the dick.” May as well
be blunt about it. He wasn’t one to brag about how he was in the bed, but he
knew he didn’t lack in that department. It was one thing in his life he knew he
could prove was true.
    She lifted one slender shoulder as she gazed longingly at
him across it. Her lips puckered together in thought as she raised a single,
well-manicured brow, slowly dragging her eyes over his body in obviously
    Why did he suddenly feel like a piece of meat about to be
devoured by a pack of ravenous dogs?
    “Hmm, maybe I do, Dalton. Can’t help being addicted.”
    Apollo watched her sashay over to him, swinging her hips
purposefully to draw his attention to her. The low-cut blouse wasn’t helping
either. Perfect C’s were pushed up and exposed to evoke drooling and offer
ample space for gifted pearl necklaces.
    Skipping down memory lane brought flashes of the fun times
they had together. It wasn’t so bad at times, just when she wanted something or
didn’t get her way. He was young and dumb back then, no lie there.
    Seems he was about to be that way again.
    Apollo hissed softly as she brushed her palm over the apex
of his jeans, feeling the chubby that was forming at the very thought of the past
and what she used to do with those lips of hers. Was it possible to be raped by
a woman?
    He was starting to think so.
    Not that he was complaining much.
    He reached down and wrapped his fingers around her wrist and
tugged her hand away from his junk. “As much as I would love to cum all over
your face right now, it’s not gonna happen, doll.”
    He had to have some self-respect, even if it cost him a set
of blue balls. He wasn’t attracted to her any more, but the memories of the
good times—mixed with the stress and need to get a release—played havoc with
his desire to just get off.
    “How about just giving me a taste?” Gabby dropped to her
knees in front of him, deft fingers unzipping his jeans and reaching inside to
try and destroy what little dignity he had left.
    He almost let her.
    That one word reverberated through the room and was laced
with an authority he didn’t like to use. It gave her pause as she lifted those
deep-brown eyes to meet his.
    “I’m not interested in used goods, Gabby. I’m not fucking
dumb about the club life or you.” He had heard she spread her legs for quite a
few of the brothers in TGMC and didn’t feel like being just another conquest.
But most of all, she was the enemy now.
    Shoving away from him, she all but growled at his dig. “It’s
not going to end here, Dalton.”
    * * * *
    “Sure it is.”
    Thorne had seen the whole interaction between the two, quite
surprised at the will power of Dalton against the bella morte . It was
easy to see that the two of them had history, and he didn’t want to rehash it.
    Thorne to the rescue.
    “Excuse me?” Gabrielle’s brows shot up at the intrusion.
“Who the hell is this piruja ?” Gabby snarled as she pointed at Thorne.
    Slut? Really?
    Thorne didn’t have time for petty antics from a scorned
female. Rolling her toffee eyes, she crossed her arms over her chest, exposing
her biceps to the two. “I’m going to pretend I didn’t hear that.”
    Dalton, visibly blanched at his ex ridiculing Thorne, looked
up while lifting his hands in a why-meposition. “Lay off, Gabby. Go
home, where ever that is.”
    Thorne watched as Gabby bared her teeth, nostrils flaring
out in anger.
    Gabby pointed a shaking finger directly at her, speaking to
Dalton as if she wasn’t even there. “You’re going to stick up for…” Gabby
paused, obviously at a loss for words. “For this caballo ?”
    Did she just really just get called a horse? In literal
terms, yep. In slang, she basically got called a bloody tampon.

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