Scarred Asphalt
remained silent as Dalton came to her defense. “I
said back off, Gabby. I’m not going to ask you again.”
    “Or what?” Gabby sneered at them both, her eyes darting
between them.
    Thorne had enough of playing patty-cake with Dalton’s ex.
She was hungry, tired, and still had to go work out in the gym.
    Reaching out, Thorne wrapped her fingers in the Latina’s
hair, swinging her around to face her. Letting go, she used her body weight to
push into Gabby, forcing her back, slamming her spine into the wall. She
brought her forearm up and against Gabrielle’s trachea, letting her know that
she meant business.
    Leaning into the girl, Thorne deepened her tone. “Or I will
be forced to wipe the floor with your ass. Listen up and listen good.” Thorne
shifted her weight, applying a bit more pressure to the trachea as she glanced
at Dalton then back to Gabrielle, trying not to smile at the shocked look on
his face. “I really don’t want to have to get my hands dirty with your blood,
but I will. Leave him alone, he obviously wants nothing to do with you. Take a
fucking hint and move the fuck on.”
    Pushing off of Gabby, Thorne looked pointedly at Dalton,
trying not to laugh at his look of astonishment. “That was your cue to leave,
    Dalton did not dispute Thorne’s order for Gabby to leave.
“You might want to listen to Espina, Gabby. I have a feeling that was your one
and only warning.”
    Gabrielle was white as a sheet as she looked between the two
of them, her mouth opening and closing like a guppy out of water. Not bothering
with a comeback, much to Thorne’s surprise, she darted out of the apartment,
slamming the door behind her.
    “Well.” Thorne wiped her hands down the front of her jeans.
“Wasn’t that fun?”
    “Not really. Did you have to threaten her?”
    Her brows shot up as she dragged her eyes over him: ripped
jeans tucked haphazard into combat boots, white V-neck T-shirt that hugged his
thick chest like a second skin, allowing the dark ink to play peek-a-boo with
the collar. His hair was mussed, his square jaw scruffy from lack of shaving,
and his blue eyes were dark and brooding as he silently watched her.
    Thorne knew he could bench-press a car if he wanted to. He
was a beast in the gym; she had watched him from afar, partnering with Saber.
The clothing he chose to wear showed off his physique, though she would keep
her appreciation to herself. It’s not like she had a thing for him. He was
going to be an intruder in her home. Her sacred place.
    “Yeah, I did. She didn’t get the hint until I laid it out
there, so what’s the problem?”
    Dalton ran his fingers through his dirty blond hair, giving
a shake of his head and smirking. “There isn’t one. I just know her. This isn’t
    “It is in my eyes.” Thorne grunted as she picked up a piece
of his luggage. “Hijole! What the hell do you have in here, princess?” His
luggage weighed a ton—the only other people who had heavy luggage like this
were females.
    “Clothes, camera equipment, boots, books. Name it, it’s
packed in the luggage.” Dalton shrugged as he grabbed two more suitcases. “I’m
living with you for three months, I still have to be able to make money,
    “The judge said you have to limit your picture taking, so
why all the equipment?” she griped as she made her way out to the Tahoe to load
the luggage into the back. Stepping aside, she angled her face just right so
that her hair would hide the scar from view.
    “I develop my own film, though Romeo has pretty much ordered
me to go digital.”
    “Fuck Romeo.”
    Dalton coughed and laughed at the same time, his cobalt eyes
dancing with humor. “No thanks. I’ll leave that to you women.”
    “Don’t bunch me in with those women.” Thorne lifted her
hands, imitating quotation marks, emphasizing the word women. “He’s not my
    “Who’s your type? Saber?” Dalton’s jovial voice was gruff
and low as he cajoled

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