Scarred Asphalt
    “Yeah, totally want an STD. Where do I sign up?” Yanking
open the SUV’s door, she climbed in, not bothering to look in Dalton’s
direction, not pleased with where this line of questioning was going.
    She was a fucking monster. No one wanted her and it was
something she would live with for the rest of her life.
    “Harsh, Thorne,” Dalton called out to her as she started up
the truck.
    “Truth hurts,” she barked back as she put the Tahoe into
gear, muttering under her breath, “like a bitch.”

    Chapter Five
    F to the A to the M, to the I-L-Y.
    That’s right, it was family night. Romeo rode over to Mace
and Amy’s for dinner and perhaps a movie. Star Wars , that’s what he was
in the mood for. He received a call from Mississippi while he was on the bike,
and quickly returned it as he made his way up to the front door.
    “What’s up?”
    The voice on the other end was sultry and yet refined, very
much the Southern belle. “Hey, Romeo. Issy wanted me to call and see when you
wanted us there. We’ve got a run around the same time you mentioned the party,
so she needed to know if she had to move the run or not.”
    Isabeau “Winter” Shirley, was the vice president of the
sister chapter of the SOMC, the Hell’s Belles. Her sergeant at arms, Nakitra
“Thumper” Beck, always kept her bases covered, making sure that Winter knew
everything that was going on, since Siren, the club’s president, usually
focused on business more than keeping club members informed. It was a give give
situation, and as long as the girls paid their dues and remembered who ruled
the roost, Romeo had no problems with them. They hadn’t paid their monthly in a
while, but Romeo was lenient with it; it was hard running an undercover whore
    “It’s in a couple of weeks, Thumper. The twelfth of next
month. How many you got coming?”
    “How many girls do you think you’ll need to come ?”
Thumper retorted in a sing-song voice.
    Romeo couldn’t help but chuckle at the girl’s antics. She
was a spit-fire, perfect for the job that she held, an enforcer and protector
of the president and vice president. She was a no-nonsense,
kick-your-ass-then-ask-your-name-after kinda girl. “Quit being cute, Thumper.
We’ll need as many as you can get out here.”
    “I got ya covered. Just text me the deets and we’ll make it
    No good-bye, no kiss my ass, just silence against his ear as
she hung up. Thumper was his and Amy’s cousin, transplanted to Mississippi
after their grandfather died, but the two talked almost every day. He knew he
was one of the select few special enough to see the cute side of the girl,
since she had been forced to grow up at such an early age.
    “Honey, I’m home!” Romeo called out as he opened the front
door to his sister’s house, tucking his burner into the front pocket of his
    “In the kitchen!”
    Hearing his sister’s voice, he shut the door and followed
his nose. The smell of lasagna permeated the home, making his stomach growl.
“That shit better be ready to eat. My fucking stomach thinks my throat’s been
    Stepping into the kitchen, he grinned at seeing his fat,
sassy sister waddling around like a penguin. She was seven months pregnant and
looked like she was carrying a watermelon. Everything about her radiated sheer
    “Quit whining, Romeo.” Amy glanced over her shoulder at
Romeo, blowing him a kiss as she placed a cut loaf of bread on a cookie sheet.
“Did you eat anything today? I bet you conveniently forgot again, huh?”
    “Something like that.” He shrugged, wandering over to the
fridge and yanking it open. “Where’s your ol’ man?” He reached into the fridge
and grabbed a beer. After cracking it open, he took a long drag.
    “You need to stop that, Zen. Christ, just find yourself
someone already.”
    Light green eyes rolled at his sister’s antics, knowing she
meant well. Romeo just wasn’t quite sure yet that he was

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