Scandalous Heroes Box Set
first generation Nigerian. They expect a lot from their children. I disappointed them when I dropped out of graduate school. If I dated a non-Nigerian they would…” she paused. “Never mind what they would do.”
    “I’m sorry. I got diarrhea of the mouth, baby doll. Forgive this old fag, okay?” she touched her hand. “Not trying to pick at your family wounds when I got enough scars for us both.”
    “You’re not a fag Jamie, tranny, or any of those nasty names people say. You’re beautiful just as you are.” Kyra blinked away her tears. “And don’t worry about my feelings. I know you didn’t mean anything by it. Besides, I think my mama will come around when I get a real job as a designer with Mirabella’s.”
    “And if she doesn’t?” Jamie pressed.
    “She will. When she does the family will too,” Kyra grinned.
    “Sure thing, sweetie.” Jamie rose from the chair and walked over to give her a hug. She kissed her brow. “And you’re right, those Battaglia women are fierce.”
    “You should have seen them in person. I swear I would sell my soul to move to design for the House of Mirabella’s or Fabiana’s.”
    “What’s Fabiana’s?” Jamie asked.
    “A new fashion house under Mirabella’s. It’s Catalina’s project. The press rarely mention it, but over in Italy it’s the hottest thing going. I think that’s where our shoe line could fit. That’s what I plan to pitch tonight.”
    “Hmmm… that might not work.” Jamie scoffed.
    “You know why. That family is tied to the Mafia. That’s why that black designer lives in Italy and no one can get a picture of her snooty ass. Long lost sister my ass. Trust me with those people nothing is what it seems.”
    “That’s a nasty rumor. I work for her company. There is no Mafia. Such a stereotype and you know you and I hate stereotypes.”
    Jamie shrugged. “True. But Mirabella’s partner Fabiana did die in a car explosion. And so did two of her employees. I remember all that drama years ago while your head was buried in a medical schoolbook. That fashion designer dated some big time Wall Street Chinese man who got charged with it all. He was extradited back to China. Shit sounds like the Godfather to me.”
    Kyra chuckled. “Well it doesn’t matter. Fashion is all I care about. And the Battaglias care about fashion too. Tonight is my chance to shine.”
    “And you look to die for. Oh honey. Wait. Let me get a picture of you.” Jamie reached in her beaded bag she toted with her everywhere she went. She brought out her Polaroid camera. “I always come prepared. Now strike a pose like I taught you!”
    Kyra struck a pose, and another. She blew a kiss at the camera before the intercom buzzed. She and Jamie started laughing.
    “Yes!” Kyra said into the intercom.
    “Miss Okeeno, I’m your driver. I’ve been sent to escort you this evening,” a male voice responded.
    She looked at Jamie with wide stretched eyes. Jamie stood grinning. “Uh yes, just a moment!”
    “Holy shit, bunny rabbit! Check it out, girl!” Jamie said from the window. Kyra hurried over to see the limo downstairs for her. 
    “I thought I’d have to cab it tonight. Oh my God! I can’t believe it!”
    “Well get your ass moving!”
    “Yeah! Yeah!” Kyra ran to her closet. She and Jamie found some of the cutest shearling lined coats from their favorite thrift store. The one she chose went with her dress. It was covered in heavy black suede. Jamie helped her ease it on and found her purse.
    “Do you have cash on you?” Jamie asked.
    Kyra rolled her eyes. “I can handle myself.”
    “Don’t feed me that bullshit. You need to always have cash and cab fare.” Jamie turned and fetched her wallet from her beaded bag. Kyra was living off of sixty dollars for the entire week. Jamie who worked during the day as a hairstylist and at night at some of the drag clubs, returned to her with six twenties. Kyra’s eyes stretched.
    “Jamie! I

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